Agenda item

Culture and Leisure Services: Pricing and Access Issues and Proposals for 2005-06

- to consider pricing and access issues within the service


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader, Culture, Leisure and Lifelong Learning on Pricing and Access Issues and Proposals for 2005/06.


Budget management considerations have brought into perspective a number of longstanding pricing and access issues within the service which are contributing to pressures on budgets across the service area generally but particularly within the Leisure and Green Spaces Service.


The report proposes a revised Schedule of Fees and Charges for Culture & Leisure Services which reflect inflation price increases for implementation in April, 2005, together with some proposed changes to pricing structures for implementation at the same time.


The report set out background information, a prediction of the impact on service income arising from each measure, sensitivity analysis, benchmarking work, and assessment of the likelihood and impact of different levels of customer fall-off.


The meeting was asked to recognise that a number of issues underlie current budget pressures in Culture & Leisure.  The recommendations outlined in the report will contribute to easing those pressures, though many other factors are involved, including the poor physical condition of many buildings, the point being made that adjustments to pricing and access mechanisms will not in themselves eliminate the whole of the present budget pressure.


The Cabinet Member referred to the existing policy in respect of the concessionary use of Culture & Leisure services and facilities, and reaffirmed that policy on charging for the use of those facilities should be strictly adhered to.  In particular, requests for the use of facilities to host events in support of the Mayor’s Charity should be supported only on the basis that all costs associated with making staff and facilities available, including loss of income where relevant, were recovered by Culture & Leisure from the event sponsor. 


This led to a discussion on the following issues:-


-                       staff costs associated with free use of rooms

-                       possible savings on Special Events Budget within Democratic Services and potential for this to fund events for the Mayor’s Charity

-                       criteria/model to be applied following a request for concessionary use – i.e. must contribute to features within the Cultural Strategy or Sport & Recreation Plan


The meeting was reminded that this was the first pricing review since the inspection by the Audit Commission in 2004 who had criticised the Authority for not targeting its resources more effectively.


Resolved:-  (1)  That, in respect of Standard rate pricing, a general price increase of 3% with effect from 1st April 2005, or the commencement of the spring/summer season, whichever is the sooner, be approved.


(2) That, in respect of Age-related concessionary pricing, the revision of discounts for under-16s and over-60s from 50% to 35%, be approved.


(3) That, in respect of Income-related concessionary pricing, the revision of discounts for Rothercard holders from 50% to 35%, with Junior Rothercard continuing to apply to those services and activities for which it currently offers eligibility, but at a standardised rate of 10% further discount on full Rothercard rates, be approved.


(4)  That, in respect of underpricing of key services, a revised pricing structure for a small number of specific services and activities be approved.


(5) That, in respect of requests for free or concessionary use of Culture & Leisure services and facilities, a revised pricing tariff for meeting rooms and other spaces providing for an amended discount of 35% for concessionary use within existing criteria be approved with effect from 1st April, 2005;  and that a more detailed report be submitted to a future meeting with a view to the introduction of a consistent and more sustainable concessionary use policy across Culture & Leisure from September, 2005.


(6) That, in respect of peak time activity, the current policy of not restricting concessionary access to facilities to off-peak times, be confirmed.


(7) That block payment for activity courses remains the main payment option, with the introduction of a weekly payment option for Rothercard holders only from 1st April 2005.


(8) That the key principles agreed through the above resolutions, form the basis of negotiations with bidders in connection with the pricing and access requirements which will form part of the Sport & Leisure/Joint Service Centre PFI/PPP programme.


(9)  That a further report detailing recent examples of costs incurred by the Service in respect of free use for fundraising events for the Mayor’s Charity be submitted to a future meeting.

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