Agenda item

Development Proposals


Resolved:- (1) That, on the development proposals now considered, the requisite notices be issued and be made available on the Council’s website and that the time limits specified in Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 apply.


In accordance with the right to speak procedure, the following people attended the meeting and spoke about the applications shown below:-


- Erection of bonded warehouse and offices to replace existing warehouse, offices and repair buildings at The Green Group, Warwick Road, Maltby for The Green Group (RB2015/1530)


Mr. P. Osborne (representative of the applicant Company)

Mr. C. Addy (representative of the applicant Company)


- Erection of 58 No. dwellinghouses, associated works, gardens and car parking at land at Rother View Road, Canklow for Wates Residential (RB2017/0105)


Mrs. J. Stribley (on behalf of Canklow Community Group, expressing concerns about the provision of play areas)

Mrs. S. Rodgers (Head Teacher of Canklow Woods Primary School, expressing concerns about the impact upon school places)

Councillor R. McNeely (Ward Councillor, expressing concerns about the impact upon school places)

Councillor T. Yasseen (Ward Councillor, expressing concerns about the public consultation process and about the impact upon public services in the area)


- Erection of 22 No. dwellinghouses with associated external works, gardens and car parking at land at Rother View Road, Canklow for Wates Residential (RB2017/0122)


Mrs. J. Stribley (on behalf of Canklow Community Group, expressing concerns about the provision of play areas)

Mrs. S. Rodgers (Head Teacher of Canklow Woods Primary School, expressing concerns about the impact upon school places)

Councillor R. McNeely (Ward Councillor, expressing concerns about the impact upon school places)

Councillor T. Yasseen (Ward Councillor, expressing concerns about the public consultation process and about the impact upon public services in the area)


(2) That applications RB2017/0097, RB2017/0103, RB2017/0105, RB2017/0112, RB2017/0116 and RB2017/0122 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report.


(3)(a) That, with regard to application RB2015/1075, the Council shall enter into an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the purposes of securing a financial contribution of £140,000 towards the provision of affordable housing in the area.


(b) That, consequent upon the satisfactory signing of the Section 106 Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report.


(4) That the Planning Board declares that it is disposed to grant planning permission in respect of application RB2015/1530 on the grounds that the proposed development will be beneficial for the local economy, generating significant additional jobs within the area, on a site that is already occupied by the applicant Company and these amount to the very special circumstances to justify the inappropriate development in the Green Belt; the power to agree the detailed reasons for the granting of planning permission in respect of this application, including the conditions to be attached to such permission, was delegated to the Planning Officer in consultation with the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Planning Board and details shall be reported to a future meeting of the Planning Board, prior to finalising the reasons for approval; in addition, this matter shall be referred to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government as a departure from the Development Plan.


(5)(a) That, with regard to application RB2017/0111, the Council shall enter into a Legal Agreement for the purposes of securing:-


·a financial contribution of £2,342 per open market dwelling (83 x £2,342 = £194,386) towards the provision of education;


·a financial contribution of £40,000 towards the improvement of existing green space, primarily for the purposes of children’s play within the Maltby area;  and


·a financial contribution of £500 per unit towards the provision of sustainable transport measures;


(b) That, consequent upon the satisfactory signing of the Legal Agreement, planning permission be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report.


(Councillor Tweed declared his personal interests in application RB2017/0105 (Erection of 58 No. dwellinghouses, associated works, gardens and car parking at land at Rother View Road, Canklow for Wates Residential) and also in application RB2017/0122 (Erection of 22 No. dwellinghouses with associated external works, gardens and car parking at land at Rother View Road, Canklow for Wates Residential) because of his membership of the governing bodies of other academies/schools which are controlled by the same Academy Trust as the Canklow Woods Primary School.  Councillor Tweed left the meeting and took no part in the Planning Board’s debate on these matters and did not vote)

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