Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public and the Press


A member of the public asked the following question with regard to the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP):-


“We have been asking for the consultation period to be extended.  Within the model IRMP planning procedures you can have a period from 2-12 weeks; because of the late feedback from the Service and on examining that feedback we have some other issues.


My original question submitted to 8th March Council meeting was around response times and whether the Councillors were aware of the impact of the proposals on second night time fire engine response times in Rotherham.”


Councillor Atkin, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority representative, stated that the consultation at the moment was on the IRMP going forward from this year for the next 4 years; the issue relating to the removal of the second pump on nights was part of the consultation that took place 4 years ago.  There was extensive consultation at this time and the proposals were agreed, which are now being enacted.


Cllr Atkin apologised for not being at full Council on 8th March. He had to attend a conference in Newcastle as the Vice-Chair of the Fire Authority.


With regard to the consultation event at Parkgate on 7th March, I have spoken to Councillor Taylor, who was an ex-fire fighter, who attended who thought that it was unsatisfactory.  I have raised it with our officers and awaiting feedback.


The Fire Authority have met with a full Brigade Committee to consult on the IRMP. There is a 6 week period for consultation because there are few proposals in it and this will not vary.  Cllr Atkin stated that the questions raised issues relating to a decision that was made 4 years ago.


Cllr Atkin explained that the removal of the night time pump at Rotherham will have an effect on turnout figures but suggested that it would be marginable. 


The member of the public asked a supplementary question.


“You had just quoted about the negative impact on the response time but in the detailed response I got from the Service, this is not based on the impact of the 4 years’ worth of cuts to the Fire Service. These have impacted on the second pump response times and where the resilience pumps are coming from which they have collated the data to put into the new IRMP. 


In terms of where we are with the last IRMP and the new IRMP, it is the job of Scrutiny to scrutinise the direction of travel in terms of primary calls, secondary calls, fire deaths throughout the period of that IRMP so an IRMP is not considered solely within a 3 year period but considered throughout that period and formulates part of the next IRMP.  The difficulty is that the Service handled in 2012 around 20,000 calls; currently we are now handling about 30,000 calls.  In 2012 we had 740 fire fighters but now 556.  We are severely under strain and concerned about the resilience that is left in the system not just in Rotherham but in other areas and the response for Rotherham will come currently, under the latest proposals which are not contained in the last IRMP, from Birley Moor fire station in Sheffield which will significantly increase response times to your constituents in Rotherham.


Could Councillors consider in the light of what I have just informed you of an increase in the consultation and engagement period to allow us as a Fire Brigade Union to work with the employer to provide a balanced budget going forward?”


Councillor Atkin reported that the consultation would end on 27th March.  There was to be an All Member seminar on Tuesday, 21st March.  The proposals for the new IRMP did not reduce any fire cover and in fact in the day there would be 2 extra fire engines.


Resolved:-  That a special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board be held as soon as possible to discuss this issue.