Agenda item

Minutes of a meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel held on 21st January, 2005

-         to receive the minutes and note the matters highlighted therein.


The following report was submitted:-


Health, Welfare and Safety Panel

21st January, 2005


Present:-  Councillor R. S. Russell (in the Chair); Councillors Darby, Hall, Jackson, Senior, G. Smith and Walker. and Mrs. S. D. Brook (NASUWT), Mr. J. W. Clay (ATL), Mr. R. Foster (NUT), Mrs. C. Maleham (UNISON), Mr. M. Martin (UCATT) and Mr. K. Moore (AMICUS)


Apologies for absence:- Apologies were received from Councillors Burke,Pickering, Sharman, Whelbourn, Mr. G. Curd (UCATT), Mrs. L. Heywood (UNISON), Mr. C. Oldfield (TGWU) and Mrs. H. C. Smith (UNISON).




Minutes of the meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel held on 15th October, 2004



Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Health, Welfare and Safety Panel, held on 15th October, 2004, be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.




Statistics of Accidents, Injuries and Incidents of Violence to Employees



The Principal Health and Safety Officer submitted a chart summarising reported accidents to all employees, occurring from the first quarter in 2002 to the fourth quarter in 2004. Emphasis was placed upon the accurate recording all accidents.


Resolved:- That the information be noted.




Health and Safety Bulletin



Consideration was given to the Health and Safety Bulletin, containing recent articles and reports of legal cases relating to health and safety. Thirteen recent health and safety articles and cases were highlighted.


The following issues were discussed in detail:-


(a) a report would be submitted in respect of the safety aspects of employees working on the vehicles used to collect recycled materials from households; and


(b) schools would be invited to participate in first aid training for teachers.


Resolved:- That the Principal Health and Safety Officer distribute copies of the bulletin throughout the Authority.




Reports on Visits of Inspection held on 3rd December, 2004



Consideration was given to matters arising from the visits of inspection made by the Panel on Friday, 3rd December, 2004.


The report included the responses provided by Service Areas to the various issues raised at the inspections.


Particular reference was made to:-


(a) DinningtonPrimary School


Concerns were expressed about the adequacy of the opening and closing mechanism for the high level windows.


Safety measures needed to be installed to reduce vehicle speed along the driveway leading to the school car park.


(b) Kiveton Outreach building


Improvements were required to the toilets for people with a disability.


(c) RawmarshRosehillJunior School


The playground steps required repair urgently.


(d) Vision Panels in Internal Door Windows


The Health, Welfare and Safety Panel agreed that vision panels in internal door windows should not be obscured by notices, posters, etc.


(e) ThryberghCountry Park


The arrangements for the security of cash within the Country Park office needed to be improved.


(f) Whiston Grange


This SpecialSchool would be visited again by the Panel on 11th March, 2005.




The Management of Contractors Working for the Council (HSE Improvement Notice Relating to Arboriculturist Work)



The Principal Safety Officer reported on the circumstances of an accident which occurred during arboriculturist work undertaken by a contractor. The investigation of the accident has resulted in the Health and Safety Executive issuing an improvement notice requiring the Council to implement systems for the monitoring and managing of contractors. These improved systems had now been introduced.


Resolved:- That the report be received.




Musculoskeletal Disorders Amongst Teaching Staff



The Principal Safety Officer submitted a report summarising the survey undertaken during 2004, within six Rotherham schools, to investigate the issue of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The survey had been undertaken in association with the Health and Safety Ergonomics Unit of the Department of Human Sciences at LoughboroughUniversity. Copies of the full report of the survey would be provided for the teaching unions’ representatives.











































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