Agenda item

The Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan

Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Housing


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Roche

Commissioner:         Ney (in advisory role)




That the content of the Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan be noted and the priorities and delivery of outlined activity be supported.



Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on:-


1)              The content of the Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan.

2)              The proposed governance arrangements to oversee strategic objectives and ensure tactical delivery of the identified actions.

3)       The links of health and social care integration to key Council strategic drivers such as The Rotherham Plan - A new perspective 2025 .


The Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan summarises local ambitions for bringing together health and social care as one single system. The Plan had been jointly produced by the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (RCCG), Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC), The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, (TRFT), Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber NHS Foundation Trust, (RDASH) and Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR). The Place Plan demonstrates the commitment across partners in Rotherham to the direction of travel for Rotherham and provides for the continuation of collaborative and transformational activity across the whole health and care system. The Plan constituted the foundations for delivery of one of the game changers contained within the Rotherham Plan - A new perspective 2025 – integrated health and social care.


The Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan, along with the other footprint areas Plans, underpinned the wider regional submission. The Rotherham Place Plan outlined the priorities and highlights the proposed system solutions for the borough, linking into the wider ambitions for the footprint. The final draft of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw STP was submitted in October 2016. The Council was consulted on the content of the STP submission and has been assigned Core Place Based partner status within the emerging governance framework.


The South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw STP submission was identified by NHS England as one of the nine exemplars across the country, being singled out as the only plan demonstrating a wider system commitment incorporating the local authority and voluntary sector offer.


In order to draw down potential future funding for the STP, each local area within the footprint must have formed Accountable Care Partnerships in each local place delivering integrated health and social care aligned to an Accountable Care System for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw by September 2017.


In order to oversee the delivery of the Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan and to comply with the deadline for creating an Accountable Care Partnership by September 2017 outlined in the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw STP, new governance arrangements have been created. These have been co-produced in consultation with key stakeholders from across the partnership, elected members and the Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Rotherham Place Plan Board would focus on delivery of the Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan. The Board would be co-chaired by Sharon Kemp (Chief Executive, RMBC) and Chris Edwards (Chief Officer, RCCG). Councillor David Roche (Cabinet Member for Adult Care and Health) and Dr Richard Cullen (Chair and Chair of the Strategic Clinical Executive), would be in attendance at all meetings in a participatory and oversight capacity for both the Council and the CCG respectively. Operational activity would be driven by the Rotherham Place Plan Delivery Team who would report into the Rotherham Place Plan Board.


Councillor Steele, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, confirmed this report had been considered as part of the pre-scrutiny process.  The recommendations were supported, subject to the Health Select Commission scrutinising the implementation of this plan.


Resolved:-  That the content of the Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan be noted and the priorities and delivery of outlined activity be supported.


Supporting documents: