Agenda item

Evaluation of the Integrated Locality Pilot

Dominic Blaydon, Associate Director of Transformation, TRFT, to present


Dominic Blaydon, Associate Director of Transformation, and Melanie Simmonds, Strategy and Transformation Manager, presented an evaluation of one of the existing transformational initiatives that was currently underway – The Health Village Integrated Locality Pilot.  The report was supplemented by the following powerpoint presentation:-


Key Challenges

-          Funding challenges in Health and Social Care

-          Increase in older population

-          Difference between actual and healthy life expectancy

-          Development of new care models

-          Early intervention and prevention

-          Self-management

-          Public expectation

-          Fragmentation of services

-          Strengthening leadership at all levels


Key Elements of new Service Model

-          Multi-disciplinary team

-          Breaks down professional and organisational boundaries

-          Team supports GP practice populations (Clifton and St. Ann’s)

-          Designated care homes

-          New technology supports interface between locality and acute care

-          All workers are co-located

-          New leadership model evolving

-          Operates a Virtual Ward

-          Referral management service


Team Composition

-          Community Nurses, Rotherham FT

-          Physiotherapists, Rotherham FT

-          Occupational Therapists, Rotherham FT

-          Social Workers, Rotherham MBC

-          Mental Health Workers, RDaSH

-          Social Prescribing, VAR

-          Community Link Workers, Rotherham MBC


A New Approach

-          Community Reablement

-          Management of Long Term Conditions

-          Community Nursing

-          Parity of Esteem

-          Assessment and Care Management

-          Community Development



-          Reduction in unscheduled hospital admissions

-          Reduction in admissions to hospital for assessment

-          Non-elective bed days

-          Average length of stay in hospital


Roll Out

-          November 2017-March, 2018 Scoping and Design

-          March 2018 Designed and agreed contracting model

-          April 2018-2020 Phased implementation

-          October 2020 Evaluation, conclusion and conference


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


·           The regulatory responsibility for care homes rested with the CQC.  Local Authorities had a duty, as did other public services, to ensure safeguarding and there were powers within their contracts to carry out visits.  Rotherham had a dedicated Care Homes Team involved in the Locality Pilot which had reached out to care homes and supporting staff


·           The Care Home Support and Locality Teams within the new structure would assist in spotting any issues in care homes


·           An away day had been held earlier in the year to allow staff to come together and discuss the difficulties they were experiencing and to agree a joint vision.  A staff evaluation before and after the event showed an increase in their satisfaction levels.  A further evaluation would be conducted in July to ascertain if they were still engaged, motivated and empowered which reflected on how well the project performed


·           There were national issues regarding computer systems linking together with no plans to introduce one system across Acute, Primary and Community Care.  However, Rotherham was way ahead of other local authority areas in terms of developing the links and creating a system which increased visibility and then facilitating the interface between Primary, Community and Acute Care.  It would continue to be an ongoing challenge until there was single system across the NHS


·           Liquid Logic used a client’s NHS number enabling the system to read across as to where the person was in the health and care system


·           The Village had been chosen for the pilot as there were higher admission rates from the area which was also one with higher deprivation


·           Bed blocking was not only an issue in the Winter, however, integrated localities should start to relieve the impact especially when it was rolled out to all localities


·           Work was taking place with the Team and Heads of Service looking at the resources needed to roll the Pilot out.  If the Health Foundation bid was successful it would provide additional resources to support the work and alleviate those pressures on the individuals allowing them to concentrate on development.  However, the funding was not being relied upon with a clear plan for development of the locality


·           Work was also taking place on the impact and pressures in the system and mitigating the risk on other parts of the system


·           There had been a lot of interest from other parts of the country in what Rotherham was developing and the interface between Acute and Primary Care


·           IT, sharing of information across organisations and having a single care record were major barriers.  The next challenge would be a single integrated recording system and care plan


·           There would be a full evaluation of the Pilot in December, 2017


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the results of the full evaluation be submitted to the Select Commission in December.

Supporting documents: