Agenda item

Update on Aim 3: Mental Health

-          Suicide Prevention Strategy

-          Better Mental Health for All Action Plan

Kathryn Singh, RDaSH, and Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health, to present


Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health, gave the following updates on Aim 3: Mental Health:-


Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan Update 2016/18

Ruth highlighted the following issues contained within the report:-


-          The Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Group met quarterly to review progress on the action plan, receive suicide audit data and recommend any necessary response, for example, for high risk groups


-          Rotherham had an early alert approach to suspected suicides resulting in a response being made as soon as notification was received


-          Partner organisations of the Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children’s Board signed up to the Rotherham Suicide and Self-Harm Community Response Plan in September 2015.  The process for activating the plan was the responsibility of RMBC’s Early Help


-          The My Mind Matters website had been reviewed and updated with input from the Youth Cabinet


-          The Top Tips on suicide prevention for General Practitioners had been updated to include risk factors and at risk groups in Rotherham


-          The campaign to target men, ‘Breaking the silence on suicide’ launched in July 2016 with resources distributed across the Borough and advertisements in local press in December, 2016


-          50 workplaces had engaged with the Workplace Wellbeing Charter


-          Children and Youth People’s Bereavement pathway continued to be positively received by families


-          Families were visited within 48-72 hours of the suspected suicide by officers from the Vulnerable Persons Unit (South Yorkshire Police) and each family offered the Help is at Hand resource and offered telephone support from Rotherham Samaritans


Discussion ensued with the following points raised:-


·           There had been an increase in adult suicides of those who had used Drug and Alcohol Services


·           For those known to the Mental Health Services wraparound support was provided as much as possible to the people that self-harmed or felt suicidal.  They were a high risk group and agencies wanted to make sure they could be supported


·           A piece of work recently completed by RDaSH showed that people who suffered any kind of loss were at more risk of suicide.  Work was now taking place on post-prevention of suicide.  Officers from the VPU offered families telephone support from Rotherham Samaritans


·           GPs were notified of any suspected suicide so they were aware should  any family members registered with the practice request an appointment


Carole Lavelle commented on the fact that work on suicide prevention in Rotherham was further ahead than many other areas she visited.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report on actions taken by the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Group since the update submitted in May, 2016, be noted and endorsed.


(2)  That the areas for future activity, including a commitment to continue Rotherham’s early alert surveillance work, bereavement support and the social marketing campaign work be endorsed.


(3)  That an update be submitted on the work of the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Group annually and exception reports as appropriate.


Better Mental Health for All – Action Plan 2017-2020

Ruth presented the action plan which focussed on work that brought added value, used community assets and provided opportunities for the health and wellbeing partners to work collaboratively.


The action plan used the three tiered approach to mental health promotion and prevention.  It took a whole life course approach from pre-birth to ageing well.  Partner organisations had been encouraged to look at opportunities within their current interventions to promote good mental health.


The action plan aimed to link into community assets and connected people within their local community.  It recognised the skills, knowledge and expertise of individuals and the assets that communities and organisations had to improve mental health and wellbeing.


Indicators from the Public Health Outcomes Framework and Quality Outcomes Framework would be used to monitor the overall progress of the Strategy.  Output targets would measure progress of each action in the action plan.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·           There was contact with colleges with several engaging with the Youth Mental Health First Aid training which had been very popular.  Schools and colleges would be visited as part of the launch of the Still campaign


·           The work done across Rotherham had been referenced across South Yorkshire and the Humber


·           VAR, Crossroads, Age Concern and the Council had been meeting to draw up an integrated action plan for isolation and loneliness which would be a key strand of Aim 3


Resolved:-  (4)  That the action plan be endorsed.


(5)  That member organisations commit to lead by example and ensure that they follow best practice in relation to the Workplace Wellbeing Charter.


(6)  That it be noted that there were some actions within the plan which required financial investment.  The Better Mental Health for all sub-group would work with lead organisations to develop business cases accordingly.


(7)  That the Health and Wellbeing Board continue to support Champions from their organisation to assist with the implementation of the action plan.  It was envisaged that this would be quarterly meetings to update on progress and look at opportunities for collaborative working.


(8)  That the Health and Wellbeing Board receive annual updates on progress.

Supporting documents: