Agenda item

Town Centre Masterplan


Simeon Leach, Economic Strategy and Partnerships Manager, Regeneration and Environment Services gave a detailed powerpoint presentation on the Rotherham Town Centre Masterplan.  Earlier work under the Renaissance Programme was referenced to set the context. 


Last year the Supplementary Planning Document identified potential sites and the draft Town Centre Masterplan would go to Cabinet in September.


Masterplan approach

              Implementation focused

              Specific deliverable projects

              Ambitious… but realistic

              Commercially pragmatic… but bold


Shaping strategy

              Confidence in the town centre environment

              The arrival-to-departure experience

              More to do and see in a quality setting

              The ‘WOW - that really makes a difference’ moment

              More PEOPLE

              Capture latent SPENDING power

              A place for distinctive independent retail

              Retail is not the ‘answer’ – but must be nurtured

              Quality eating and drinking a key opportunity

              New commercial leisure development (Cinema & Hotel)

              More living in and around the Town Centre


Forge island scheme content

              25,000 sq. ft food & beverage

              60-80 bed quality hotel

              4/5 screen cinema

              300+ multi-storey car park

              Retail opportunity

              120 apartments

              New landmark bridge

              New riverside park

              Vital link with Minster Gardens

              Hydro-energy on weir

              Potential New Theatre


Riverside residential

              Key ownerships

              Council land as ‘market creator’

              Starter Homes - go early sites

              Critical mass of new residents

              300 new homes

              Mix of dwelling types

              Private houses

              Distinct market offer

              Design quality/price-point

              Riverside setting

              Potential bridge over river


Bus Interchange and multi-storey car park

              Funding secured by SYPTE

              Refurbishment of Bus Station and Car Park

              Separate management of car park

              Ease of arrival and departure

              College Walk to be maintained


Learning Campus and Doncaster Gate Higher Education Hub

              Existing Rotherham College anchor

              New Higher education facility at   

              Doncaster gate site opposite

              Develop learning quarter

              Maximise benefit of students in town


Implementation Plan


Accelerate Forge Island Opportunity - Top Priority & catalyst project


1. Core Peninsula Site/Riverside Precinct (the core development opportunity site)

The critical next step was for RMBC to appoint a development/delivery partner.


2. Former Magistrates Court

The Council to undertake feasibility/business case/funding work with regard to Theatre and Arts Centre.


3. The Eastern Riverbank Regeneration

 The Council to work with existing landowners


Residential Development Partner … and Early Delivery of Residential Riverside


              A further (different) partner for residential opportunities

              Includes as a priority former swimming baths site at Riverside site (market creating site)

              Other Starter Homes Sites

              Other Land RMBC can bring into Partnership e.g. Corporation Street CPO land

              RMBC to assemble sites to feed-in e.g. Royal Mail depot


Implementation Programme focusing on public sector-led projects and site assembly


              This relates to the ‘conventional regeneration activity’ falling to the Council to drive and co-ordinate

              The markets refurbishment… Linked with the Third Sector Hub development

              Land assembly projects including the relocation of Royal Mail Depot

              Public realm/landscape projects across the town centre

              Public art/Lighting

              Parking proposals

              Other regeneration activity e.g. the on-street train-bus Clifton Park-Town Centre


Planning and Regeneration support to private development projects

- Council promotion, support and quality review of private sector development proposals.


              Doncaster Gate

              Interchange Area

              Guest & Chrimes

              Main Street


Capacity and skills

- Council promotion, support and quality review of private sector development proposals.


              RMBC need to bring together a dedicated team of skilled and experienced individuals to deliver the town centre development programme.

              Without a strengthening of the team at RMBC, the challenging delivery timeline would not be met and the town centre would continue to struggle.

              External support is likely to be required for certain activity.

              The positive approach to planning delivery in Rotherham was also helpful demonstrating a can-do attitude.


In summary ….

      A clear plan of what needs to be done

      Implementation has started

      Key ‘sites’ have defined roles

      Aligning public / private investment

      A challenging delivery programme

      But vital to the future of the town centre


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


·                    Changing people’s habits with regard to visiting and using Rotherham town centre when they were accustomed to doing things elsewhere – If we provide opportunities for people they will come and the quality offer that we do have already is used.  One example will be cinemas as these are popular with young people.  People want to come to the town centre but we need to give them the hook.


·                    Parking at Doncaster Gate – The health centre would retain its set number of places and there would also be some parking for the campus.


·                    Attracting more affluent people to live in Rotherham and encouraging people to buy the new homes, particularly in terms of noise and insulation – Plans were for a mix of housing, not only apartments, including town houses to attract families.  Starter homes help people get on the housing ladder and were for under 40s, who would get them at a reduced rate and have to keep them for five years.  It was hoped to attract more affluent people and the tram-train would be another benefit as property prices were lower in Rotherham than Sheffield. 


·                    Attracting people in to use the services was important but services also need to be there to attract them.


·                    There were three phases to the plan, so what would happen if things went wrong part way through? –The offer was not yet as good as it should be and there was probably a two to three year gap to bridge, keeping things going in the meantime.  In a time of hard retail trading conditions it was about improving the town centre offer before we have the “big ticket” items such as the cinema and discussions were taking place with retailers.  There were some negative perceptions on street promotions and this would be looked at as well as possibly holding more events. No clear set phases were defined bar Forge Island definitely being the first and key stage which would happen and should help to draw people in, with the other phases following on the back of that.  More work would follow on the markets, which were already successful, to keep them growing.  Housing was under way and would be supported where possible.


·                    Mixture of properties was positive and it was good to attract families but with the higher education campus had there also been consideration given to attracting students, which would help with the economy? Also older people as studies showed the most successful, vibrant and healthy areas to live in were those mixed across all society – It was about attracting a mix of people including, in the longer term, attracting students to the town centre once the campus was up and running.

·                    Future proofing for flood risk to property at the side of the river although alleviation work had been carried out and contributions from private sector developers – A flood risk tool kit would be used for sites as part of the planning process. Flood requirements for Forge Island have been mapped out and costed. Once we go out to the market, developers would be aware of that and what they would be expected to contribute.


·                    Focus seemed to be largely on young people; had the older generation been taken into account as not everyone liked shopping malls and shopping was a means of social interaction? Car parking had been raised but what about improvements to public transport and the bus station? – The bus station did need work which SYPTE would undertake with approximately £12m investment from mid-2018. The aim was to attract all age groups to the town centre but young people in particular did seem to be a gap. It was important to improve public transport links and accessibility but also to have the offer there for people who travelled privately.


·                    Rotherham was working towards being a child centred borough but did the plan take into account the recommendation from the Director of Public Health’s Annual Report about adopting the World Health Organisation age friendly cities and communities accreditation?


·                    For the 300 homes, what would be the split in housing types and who was the target audience? – It was a mixed housing offer with affordable housing as part of the mix.


·                    The demolition programme was under way but there would be a lot of empty unattractive sites around the town centre, so it was important to try and achieve some quick wins. – As soon as sites were flat the intention was to start developing quickly. The bridge near the former Tesco site was frequently mentioned as a concern.


·                    Was there a height restrictions on town centre buildings – Yes particularly around Forge Island so as not to obscure the view to the Minster.  There was dialogue with Historic England.


·                    The river was a key asset with great potential to develop around it – It was important that new buildings faced the river and had nice views.


·                    Competition with other towns and markets, including on parking charges.


·                    Slides from a seminar on SYPTE last week could be circulated to all IPSC members which included plans for the bus station that had had significant input from Rotherham Youth Cabinet to address young people’s concerns. 


·                    Ensuring that the offer did meet the needs of the community, that it was vibrant and connected to arts and to other communities.


·                    The importance of a cinema in Rotherham to young people.


Several points raised required further information from Housing and would be followed up by officers to ensure a full response for the Commission.


The Chair mentioned having an away day or half day and invited Members to submit their questions so that the right officers could attend.


The officer was thanked for the presentation.