Agenda item

Council Plan 2017/18 Quarter 1 Performance Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Read (in advisory role)

Commissioner:         Ney




1.    That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.


2.    That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics


3.    That the performance reporting timetable for 2017/18 be noted.



Consideration was given to a report which detailed the Performance Report and Performance Scorecard (Appendices A and B) which provided an analysis of the Council’s current performance against fourteen key delivery outcomes and seventy-two measures. 


At the end of this first quarter (April to June 2017) twenty-sevenmeasures had either met or exceeded the target set in the Council Plan.  Although this represented only 37.5% of the total number of measures in the Plan, it equated to 47.4% of the total number of indicators where data was available or where targets have been set. A total of sixteen (27.6% of those measured in the quarter) performance measures have not hit their target for the year (22.2% overall).


Cabinet Members provided an update in accordance with current performance for service areas:-


Councillor Beck, Cabinet Member for Housing, reported on the number of new homes being delivered and new and challenging target to ensure at least 10% more new homes would be built in the Borough. 


It was also pointed out 93% of privately rented properties were compliant with Selective Licensing, which was slightly below the year-end target of 95%.  Work was in progress to increase property compliance during the current year.


Councillor Roche, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, also reported on the continuing commission of specialist stop smoking in pregnancy services.  Work was also taking place with partners and G.P’s looking at best practice in terms of drug treatment.  The service was currently out to tender.


In terms of Adult Social Care the direction of travel was positive for the nine measures rated against targets; four were on target, one progressing satisfactorily, two off target and two measures not applicable.


Ian Thomas, Strategic Director for Children and Young People’s Services, reported on the good progress against the improvement plan and one measure of success was around Early Help, and the offer that would reduce over time as families were offered supported at an earlier point.


He also referred to the numbers of children subject to a Child Protection Plan, which continued to increase as had the proportion of children on a repeat Child Protection Plan.  This would need further improvement and work continued.  He explained further, when questioned, that a further report on this issue giving more detail and what action had been taken would be provided in due course.


In terms of education Rotherham’s current data for early years was strong with good progress being made in KS1 and KS2 with a slight dip in KS4.  Work was taking place with secondary group leaders to understand the reasons for the drop in performance.


Councillor Alam, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Finance, reported on how council tax collection rates had been maintained at the same level as last year whilst the collection rate for non-domestic rates had been improved upon. 


The pre-decision scrutiny process was now well embedded in the decision-making process and had been positive to date.


The Council’s response rate for complaints had also decreased below the target of 85% and would be subject to further monitoring.


Sickness was also on a downward trend with a reduction of 3.5% on last year’s outturn, which had been achieved by the end of the first quarter.


Councillor Hoddinott, Cabinet Member for Waste, Road and Community Safety, referred to the positive increase in the reporting of hate crime, outcome measures for the successful support for people at risk of domestic abuse, the strong commitment to tackle flytipping and enviro-crime and the number of fixed penalty notices issued, new measure for public perception of anti-social behaviour and the release of up-to-date information from the Police.


In terms of measure 3.B3 it was noted the next report would provide more up-to-date information in terms of complaints about litter, but the position would be closely monitored.


Councillor Yasseen, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working and Cultural Services, also highlighted the changes to some indicators, one of which included borrowing books, which was a poor reflection on the drive and participation in culture and leisure services.


Councillor Lelliott, Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, was pleased to report on the statutory function of delivering determinations on planning applications and the achievement of 10% in all three categories of determination.


Footfall in the town centre had decreased and the reasons for this were being explored.


The Business Incubation Centred had another strong quarter with the average occupancy level of the four centres at 86%.


Commissioner Kenny agreed:-  (1)  That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.


(2)  That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics


(3)  That the performance reporting timetable for 2017/18 be noted.

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