Agenda item

Advice Services Review


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Read

Commissioner:         Ney (in advisory role)




1.            That the outcomes of the review be noted.


2.            That approval be given to progress arrangements for advice services in Rotherham, including:

·         Co-design with voluntary sector organisations for services to be delivered by voluntary sector advice providers for three years commencing from April 2018;

·         That the scope of services to be delivered by the voluntary sector focus on provision in levels two and three of the advice model through core service level agreements to a total value of £240k per annum, with the provision for additional project based arrangements covering specific advice service demands and developments over the medium term;

·         Collaboration to produce an integrated model of advice provision across advice services including in-house provision effective from April 2019;

·         Commissioning and funding model options that will best provide flexibilities for service development over the medium term through a consortium approach in the voluntary sector; and

·         Identify as part of the Council’s Customer Services and Efficiency Programme, improvements to level one signposting and self-serve provision.


3.            That, subject to the achievement of the objectives of this approach, service level agreement(s) be entered into with voluntary sector providers, including the expectation of leverage of external funds; adoption of priorities; and performance arrangements.


4.            That the detailed arrangements be subject to annual review and participation in the further alignment and other developments of advice services in Rotherham in 2019.




Consideration was given to the report which detailed the outcome of the review of advice services in Rotherham and made recommendations about future strategic direction for the services together with commissioning arrangements.


The review was set in the context of significant need for advice services by the residents of Rotherham, including those already impacted by welfare reforms, especially people with disabilities and families with children; and the anticipated additional demands arising from the full roll-out of Universal Credit from April, 2018.


The primary focus of the review were services provided in-house of Advocacy and Appeals and Financial Inclusion, together with external services provided by Citizen’s Advice Bureau; Kiveton Park Independent Advice Centre; and Rotherham Diversity Forum immigration and nationality advisor.


The overall objectives of the review were to secure responsive and effective service provision meeting growing complex needs for these services, with maximum efficiency within the challenging budgetary climate.


The way forward sought to establish a streamlined and collaborative approach across advice services and providers over the medium term. This looked for a two stage approach. The initial stage invited a consortium approach to commissioning from voluntary sector providers through a co-production model. Funding would be awarded aligned to a three year service level agreement(s) commencing in April, 2018, with annual reviews to further the evolution of the full collaborative approach and ensure that priority needs continued to be met. The proposed processes for production of the model and commissioning were compliant with the “Rotherham Compact”. The second stage, timed for 2019 would move to an integrated model of advice provision both in-house and with the voluntary sector.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations, subject to consideration being given to the impact of the proposals on waiting times and level of demand in the Annual Review and for the Annual Review to be submitted to the Board for consideration.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the outcomes of the review be noted.


(2)  That the progress arrangements for advice services in Rotherham be approved, including:-


·             Co-design with voluntary sector organisations for services to be delivered by voluntary sector advice providers for three years commencing from April 2018;

·             That the scope of services to be delivered by the voluntary sector focus on provision in levels two and three of the advice model through core service level agreements to a total value of £240k per annum, with the provision for additional project based arrangements covering specific advice service demands and developments over the medium term;

·             Collaboration to produce an integrated model of advice provision across advice services including in-house provision effective from April 2019;

·             Commissioning and funding model options that will best provide flexibilities for service development over the medium term through a consortium approach in the voluntary sector; and

·             Identify as part of the Council’s Customer Services and Efficiency Programme, improvements to level one signposting and self-serve provision.


(3)  That, subject to the achievement of the objectives of this approach, service level agreement(s) be entered into with voluntary sector providers, including the expectation of leverage of external funds; adoption of priorities; and performance arrangements.


(4)  That the detailed arrangements be subject to annual review and participation in the further alignment and other developments of advice services in Rotherham in 2019 and that consideration also be given to the impact of the proposals on waiting times and level of demand.


(5)  That the Annual Review be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for consideration.


(Councillor Steele declared a personal interest in Minute No. 53 (Advice Service Review) on the grounds of being a non-voting member on the Citizens Advice Bureau Board)

Supporting documents: