Agenda item



To receive the scrutiny review and recommendations in respect of Alternative Management Arrangements for Children’s Social Care.


Consideration was given to the report which shared the findings and latest analysis and current thinking of the Improving Lives Select Commission’s cross-party review group on the range of Alternative Management Arrangements (AMAs) for Children’s Services. It evaluated the relative strengths and challenges of the primary options available to the Council and suggested initial recommendations for future management arrangements.


The review concluded that a Practice Partner model would secure the most rapid and sustainable improvements in the short term (2 years) and present the lowest risk to the Improvement journey. In particular, its evidence suggested that the Practice Partner model would:-


·                Establish the right balance of political ownership, oversight and accountability for CYPS at the same time as rigorous external challenge.

·                Enable the good progress being made on the improvement programme to continue at an accelerated pace with minimal disruption to partners, wider council priorities or management focus.

·                Avoid high transition and operating costs associated with each of the AMAs and enable spend to be focused on front line delivery.


It was acknowledged that the peer practice partner model was by definition temporary. Once there was consistent good quality front-line practice, the Council would actively consider other options to work with others through integration, collaboration or further commissioning if this would secure more rapid and sustainable improvement.


The Cabinet and Commissioners would be required to respond formally to the recommendations and indicate agreement or otherwise, what action, would be taken to implement the recommendations, along with details of timescales and accountabilities.


Members welcomed the report and congratulated all those involved in the review and its recommendations.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report and recommendations in respect of alternative management arrangements for Children’s Services in Rotherham, as outlined in Section 11 of Appendix 1, be noted.


(2)  That the response of Cabinet and Commissioners be fed back to Improving Lives Select Commission.


Mover:-  Councillor Clark                            Seconder:-  Councillor Allcock

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