Agenda item

External Audit and Inspection Recommendations


Further to Minute No. 57 of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 19th April, 2017, consideration was given to a report, presented by Bev Pepperdine, Performance Assurance Manager, stating that, in accordance with the Council’s “fresh start” improvement plan (Minute No. 8 of the Council meeting held on 22nd May, 2015, refers), progress continued to be made against the recommendations from all of the key external audits and inspections.  The report included detail of progress being made in respect of the following specific areas and Directorates:-


: the “Fresh Start” Improvement Plan;

: Adult Care and Housing;

: Children and Young People’s Improvement Plan;

: Liberty House

: Regeneration and Environment Services.


The summary of recommendations from “Active” Inspection and Audit Action Plans was appended to the submitted report.


It was noted that Children and Young People’s Services were in the third week of an Ofsted inspection which was due to be completed on 30th November, 2017.  Their report was expected on 29th January, 2018.


The Audit Committee’s discussion of this matter highlighted the following salient issues:-


-          An Early Help Worker had won the national Youth Worker of the Year award for their work with young people


-          Nomination for the Children and Young People Now Awards for the Young Inspector Programme


-          Rotherham had chosen not to fill the posts of Dedicated Activity Co-ordinators at Lord Hardy Court.  Would this decision have a detrimental impact on a future inspection of non-compliance with a recommendation?

Response from Service following the meeting – A review of the service and staffing structure is currently being undertaken by a Quality Assurance Consultant within Children’s Services.  It was not known at the present time if Activity Co-ordinators would be introduced back into the service or if alternatives for providing activities would be considered; the review should determine this.  It was likely that, unless options could be found to better provide for activities for residents, that this would be raised again at the next CQC inspection


-          The January inspection had recommended, as part of any future upgrade to the heat/cooling system, a new volume meter should be installed.  No future upgrades to the system, however, were currently being planned.  Would this have a detrimental impact on a future inspection?   

Response from Service following the meeting - It was not necessary to install a volume meter; this was a suggestion from the Inspector rather than a requirement.  There was no time based target on how often there should be an upgrade to the system; this was as required to maintain operation based on condition survey.  If the Authority did not install it would not have any impact on future inspections


-          It would be appreciated if the risks could be known associated with the recommendations that were outstanding and what, if any, impact they had on performance.  It was noted that any recommendations associated with CYPS could not be formally signed off until the outcome of Ofsted was known


Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and its contents noted.


(2) That the governance arrangements that are currently in place for monitoring and managing the recommendations from external audits and inspections, as now reported, be noted.

(3) That the Audit Committee continue to receive regular reports in relation to external audit and inspections and the progress made in implementing recommendations.

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