Report of the Assistant Chief Executive
Cabinet Member: Councillor Alam
Commissioner: Ney (in advisory role)
1. That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.
2. That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics
3. That the performance reporting timetable for 2017/18 be noted.
Consideration was given to the report which details how the Council Plan for the period 2017-2020 was approved by Elected Members at the Council meeting on 12th July, 2017. The plan represented the core document that underpinned the Council’s overall vision, setting out headline priorities, indicators and measures that would demonstrate its delivery. Alongside it sits the Council’s Performance Management Framework which explained to all Council staff how robust performance monitoring and management arrangements are required to ensure effective implementation.
To ensure that the delivery of actions and their impact was assessed, formal quarterly performance reports were required to the public Cabinet and Commissioners’ Decision-Making meeting, with an opportunity for pre-Scrutiny consideration in line with new governance arrangements. This report was the second report in the 2017/18 reporting cycle covering Quarter 2 1st July, to 30th September, 2017.
The Performance Report and Performance Dashboard/Scorecard (Appendices A and B) provided an analysis of the Council’s current performance against 14 key delivery outcomes and 72 measures. This report was based on the current position of available data, along with an overview of progress on key projects and activities which also contributed towards the delivery of the Council Plan.
At the end of this second quarter (July to September, 2017) 17 measures had either met or had exceeded the target set in the Council Plan. This represented 33.3% of the total number of indicators where data was available or where targets have been set. The direction of travel was positive for 33 (55.9%) of the indicators measured in this quarter. The Priority area with the highest proportion of targets met was Priority 5 (A modern, efficient Council).
Cabinet Members provided an update in accordance with current performance for service areas:-
Councillor Beck, Cabinet Member for Housing, reported on the number of new homes being delivered during the year (4.B1) which was off target and out of the Council’s control. However, this would be closely monitored and efforts made to bring this target in to line.
In terms of the percentage of privately rented properties complaint with Selective Licensing conditions (4.B3), this target was improving each quarter and by the end of March it was expected that the target of 95% would be reached.
Councillor Roche, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, reported on the successful completion of the drug treatment for opiates and non-opiate users target (2.A1(b)) which had declined. The Substance Misuse Services had been recommissioned and preparations for a new provider were in hand for the new services to start in April.
In terms of Adult Social Care this was positive overall with 4 measures on target, one progressing well and another off target (2.B3). Action was being taken to bring this target back into line through community asset awareness sessions, use of “Age Well”, promotional activities and use of another twelve staff from other organisations.
The target for all age numbers of new permanent admissions to residential/nursing care for adults (2.B8) was progress well and on track.
Councillor Watson, Deputy Leader, reported a mixed picture for Children and Young People’s Services, but pointed out the measures must not be taken in isolation, but read in conjunction with the whole report. The numbers of Children in Need had reduced by 16% which was improved performance, but those children subject to a Child Protection Plan and Looked After Children had increased and numbers were still rising. The Service was working extremely hard to deal with rising numbers, whilst commissioning placements and were finding the recruitment of foster carers were unable to keep up the pace.
Councillor Alam, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Finance, reported of the percentage of complaints closed within the timescale (5.C2) and the challenges responding to complaints in Regeneration and Environment and Children and Young People’s Services.
Days lost due to sickness (5.D2) had seen further improvement reducing absence levels by 6%.
Reduction in agency cost (5.D3) was now 37% lower than in previous years and the Workforce Management Board was continuing to address the use of agency workers using control processes.
Councillor Hoddinott, Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety, reported on a number of positives including effective enforcement action taken on flytipping and other enviro-crime (3.B2) which was just below target, but making good progress and on the number of missed bin collections (3.B4) which was showing an improvement.
There had been an increase in the percentage of positive outcomes over the year for reported Hate Crime cases (3.A2). This was despite a 25% increase in reported incidents and work was continuing with the Police and officers in dealing with the victims to improve outcomes further.
Unfortunately, complaints against Streetpride not closed within the timescale (5.C2) were getting clouded by the number of service requests which needed to be separated out. Further work was to be undertaken, but it was noted in the last 6 months 47 complaints had been received and in the last quarter of the 24 complaints, 11 had been upheld.
An area of concern was the percentage of licence holders that demonstrated adherence to the requirements of the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy (3.A4) for those having obtained the BTEC/NVQ qualification. Of those remaining they were booked on courses and enforcement action would continue to ensure this target was at 100% by year end.
Councillor Yasseen, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working and Cultural Services, reported on the number of visits to the Council’s culture and leisure facilities (3.A9) which indicated overall visitor numbers had increased, but this was assisted by Rotherham Show. Visitor figures had not increased as much during the summer months mainly due to poor weather.
With regards to measures for the number of engagements for culture and leisure facilities and customer satisfaction (3.A6 and 3.A7) it was noted heritage engagements had fallen, but this was expected to increase during the rest of the year.
Ticket sales for the theatre had been down overall for both amateur and professional shows, but this was starting to pick up again. During Quarter 2 the theatre was closed for 5 weeks for maintenance. This would have an impact on the number of performances and participants during this period.
Councillor Lelliott, Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, reported on the performance of the Planning Service (4.A8) which was at 100% with all planning applications determined within specified periods.
Action to market Rotherham as a place for businesses to locate and invest was being undertaken and the approved Town Centre Masterplan would now move on to the implementation stage as part of the programmes on promoting the overall number of businesses in the borough (4.A7).
Resolved:- (1) That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.
(2) That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics
(3) That the performance reporting timetable for 2017/18 be noted.
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