Agenda item

Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2005-2020

- to approve the Municipal Waste Management Strategy


The Waste Strategy Manager presented a report on the above Strategy with the favoured option for the future management of waste.  The Strategy had been subject to extensive public consultation and had undergone a Best Practical Environmental Option (BPEO) appraisal required in accordance with Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs guidelines.


There were a number of issues to note out of the final document which included:-


-              Around 11,500 householders replied to the consultation (10% response rate).

-              88% of respondents to the Strategy would support more ambitious recycling rates up to 45%.

-              The public/stakeholder consultation and BPEO technical assessment showed a consistent desire for the Council to develop mechanical biological treatment as the waste processing option for Rotherham.  (Approximately £17M capital investment)

-              There needed to be a commitment to maximise the potential of existing recycling schemes supported with the development of further recycling options in the future to meet targets.

-              The Strategy recognised the need to further develop a kerbside green waste collection service.  However, this needed to include for the provision of an alternate week collection service to stem the growth in waste.

-              The Municipal Waste Management Strategy had been developed using the latest growth data within Rotherham.  It would be necessary to employ a dedicated team to develop educational and waste reduction programmes to support the Strategy.  (A bid included within the Medium Term Financial Plan to develop a Team)

-              There would be a requirement for waste processing facilities to be in place between 2009-2012 dependent upon the success of maximising recycling and the availability of other sub-regional capacity to treat waste and thus achieve landfill diversion targets.  A procurement plan would be developed by December, 2005, to commence contract development with effect from the early part of 2006.

-              All current waste contracts expired in August, 2008, therefore, a decision would have to be made in the near future about the future procurement of waste services.


The implementation of the Strategy would require significant long term investment including the acquisition of land and the construction of a waste processing facility, the development of a Waste Minimisation Team, industry specialists to assist in the procurement process and future service developments.  Following development of a procurement plan, it would be necessary to employ technical experts to assist the Council in the contracting process for waste processing facilities.  An initial requirement for consultancy had been included within the Medium Term Financial Plan 2005/06.


It was noted that the report was to be considered by a special meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Panel on the 15th February, 2005, to which Members of the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel had been invited.


Resolved:-  That, subject to the support of the Environment Scrutiny Panel, the Cabinet be asked to approve:-


(1)  the Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2005-2020;


(2)  the development of a procurement plan for Waste Management Services 2008-2020 based on the approved Strategy;


(3)  the development of services in line with the Waste Management Strategy;


(4)  the submission of the Municipal Waste Management Strategy to Government Office.

Supporting documents: