Agenda item

Formal Sign-off of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2025

Terri Roche, Director of Public Health, to report


Refreshed from 2015 Version

-        National and local strategic drivers influencing role of Health and Wellbeing Boards

-        Need to ensure it remained fit for purpose and strengthened the Board’s role in

Setting strategic vision

Collaborative working

High level assurance

Holding partners to account

Influencing commissioning across the health and social care system as well as wider determinants of health

Reducing health inequalities

Promoting a greater focus on prevention


Health and Wellbeing Strategy Principles

-        Provide accessible services

-        Reduce health inequalities

-        Prevent physical and mental ill health

-        Integrate commissioning of services

-        Ensure pathways were robust

-        Promote resilience and independence


Journey to 2018

-        Local Government Association support to the Board

Self-assessment July 2016

Stepping Up To The Place workshop September 2016

-        Positive feedback given about the Board’s foundation and good partnership working

-        The current Strategy was published quickly after the Board was refreshed (September 2015)

-        Now in stronger position to set the right strategic vision and priorities for Rotherham


What the data tells us

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment tells us about the current and emerging issues we need to focus on:

-        Ageing population – rising demand for health and social care services

-        More people aged 75+ living alone, vulnerable to isolation

-        High rates of disability, long term sickness (more mental health conditions) and long term health conditions e.g. Dementia

-        Need for care rising faster than unpaid carer capacity

-        High rates of smoking and alcohol abuse, low physical activity and low breastfeeding

-        Rising need for Children’s Social Care especially related to Safeguarding

-        Relatively high levels of learning disability

-        Growing ethnic diversity especially in younger population with new migrant communities

-        Growing inequalities, long term social polarisation

-        High levels of poverty including food and fuel poverty, debt and financial exclusion


Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2025

-        Sets strategic vision for the Board – not everything all partners do but what partners can do better together

-        Includes 4 strategic ‘aims’ – shared by all Board partners

-        Each aim includes small set of high level shared priorities

-        Which the Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan ‘system’ priorities will align to


Strategic Aims

Aim 1 – All children get the best start in life and go on to achieve their potential

Aim 2 – All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a good quality of life

Aim 3 – All Rotherham people live well for longer

Aim 4 – All Rotherham people live in healthy, safe and resilient communities


Consultation and Engagement

-        Consultation on refreshed Strategy took place with key stakeholders including:-

·      All Health and Wellbeing Board partners

·      Health Select Commission (Scrutiny)

·      Voluntary and community sector

·      To the public via public meetings of the Board and CCG


Implementation and Monitoring

-        Strategy signed-off and published March 2018

-        Officer leads identified and work progressing to develop a set of action plans for each aim

-        Includes the priorities set by the Place Plan workstream groups (aligned to Strategy)

-        Action plans to include a set of indicators to measure performance

-        Board sponsors for each aim to present their plan and a progress report periodically to the Board


It was noted that the Strategy had been considered by all the organisations present at the meeting and formally endorsed.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the stakeholder consultation that had taken place and how comments had been incorporated into the Strategy, where appropriate, be noted.


(2)  That the endorsement of the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2025 by the Council’s Cabinet and Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body be noted.


(3)  That the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2025 be formally signed-off.

Supporting documents: