Agenda item

Carers Strategy Update

Jo Hinchliffe, Adult Social Care, to present


In accordance with Minute No. 50(5), Jo Hinchliffe, Change Leader for Adult Social Care, presented a progress report on the implementation of the Carer’s Strategy delivery plan including response to the five recommendations made at the 30th November, 2017, meeting of the Select Commission. Further information was provided by Sean Hill (RMBC Children and Young People’s Services) and Kevin Hynes (Barnardo’s).


The original delivery plan had been co-produced with input from a range of carer organisations containing 21 tasks all clearly mapped through to the Carers Strategy Outcomes.  Many of the actions had not had an owner or timescale for completion.  In consultation with partners, it was felt that the original plan content was still relevant but the timescales should be refreshed and streamlined with clear action owners allowing better oversight and outcomes for carers.


The refreshed plan was more thematic with the following areas agreed:-


1.         Carers Support

2.         Young Carers

3.         Unknown Carers

4.         Publicity and Promotion

5.         Training Offer

6.         Quality Assurance


It was anticipated that the period September to December, 2018 would allow the Strategy Group to monitor the impact/difference made and allow for discussions to take place in relation to any new pieces of development work that may need to be captured in a workbook refresh


The report stated that an excel workbook had been devised, entitled “Caring Together Revised Action Plan January 2018”. This workbook captured the themes and tasks from the original plan for the carers strategy.


Members noted that a full presentation of the Caring Together Strategy and the workbook should have taken place later on 1st March, 2018 at the Young Carers Council Meeting. However, that meeting was ultimately postponed because of the inclement weather conditions.


The Health Select Commission debated the following matters:-


: the imminent review of the terms of reference of the Carers’ Strategy Delivery Group, including the possibility of a representative of the Rotherham hospital;


: ensuring that the ‘red-amber-green’ performance rating system is applied to the measurement of progress with the carers’ strategy delivery plan and recommendations, with additional columns in the workbook showing when actions commenced and clear evidence showing completed actions as well as those in progress;


: the availability and effectiveness of the ‘bite size’ training for carers (further details of the training offer will be made available for Members of this Select Commission);


: ways of ensuring that the GP surgeries maintain up-to-date registers of carers;


: discussions with schools about young carers who are school pupils and whose caring responsibilities might impact upon school attendance or lead to exclusions; the possible introduction of a memorandum of understanding in respect of young carers;


: the forthcoming discussions between the Council and the voluntary and community sector consortium about a potential bid for funding to increase educational attainment for Looked After Children and young carers;


: alternative ways of monitoring the experiences of young carers; and capturing data on young carers for actions YC7 and YC8 in the delivery plan; initially, there would be sampling with known young carers; this linked to developing the Quality Assurance Framework and establishing baseline data, also using data from the Early Help Service, Barnardo’s and the Lifestyle Survey questions for young carers;


: the need for continuing scrutiny of the implementation of the carers’ strategy delivery plan and recommendations, as well as the procurement of services from external agencies (eg: Barnardo’s).


Recommended:- (1) That the report and presentation be received and their contents noted.


(2) That the refreshed carers’ strategy delivery plan and progress with the implementation of the recommendations since November 2017 be endorsed.


(3) That the additional information suggested by Members of this Select Commission be included in the “Caring Together Revised Action Plan January 2018” workbook.


(4) That a further progress report on the implementation of the carers’ strategy be submitted to a meeting of the Health Select Commission during the 2018/19 Municipal Year.

Supporting documents: