Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2018-19

Report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Service


Cabinet Member:     Councillor Alam

Commissioner:         Ney (in advisory role)




That the Council’s fees and charges for 2018/19 be approved.


Consideration was given to a report which detailed the proposed fees and charges for the Regeneration and Environment Directorate for 2018/19 and beyond and were reflected in the budget savings proposals included in the Council’s Budget and Council Tax setting report, which were approved by Council on the 28th February, 2018. 


The charges for each service were presented in Appendices A – S.  Housing Revenue Account Rents and Service charges had been agreed on 15th January, 2018 and Allotment Rents 2019/20 agreed on 19th February.  The report detailed fees and charges for the remainder of the Council’s services which had been increased by 3% with a few exceptions.


In addition, it was suggested that there be a revision to the Regulation and Enforcement Charges 2018/19 in relation to Section 1.9 (High Hedges) as the fee went beyond 3% and should be brought into line with the 3%.


Section 1.10 (Fixed Penalty Notices) with regards to litter, the fine would be £80.00 and £150 for a late payment. Fly tipping fines would be £300 and £400 for a late payment.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-Scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations and the revised amendments, subject to a further report being submitted to the Board in six months’ time to review the income targets.


The query at the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board regarding the safe removal of bees had now been responded to.


Resolved:-  That the fees and charge for 2018/19 with the revisions identified above be approved.

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