Agenda item

Customer Access Strategy and Support for all Customers


Consideration was given to a briefing paper which provided an overview of the previous, current and future situation regarding customer access and support of all customers. This paper summarised proposed plans that were to be developed to ensure all customers were able to access services regardless of their personal circumstances.


Members noted that access to customer services would be through a digital first strategy, which meant that the Council would adopt a preference for customers to access services through a self-serve digital channel. It was confirmed that this would never exclude customers who could not or would not use that channel from receiving services. Furthermore, the Council was developing a new Customer Access Strategy, which would aim to help as many customers as possible to access services digitally and discuss with partner agencies how the Council could support those who find digital access challenging.


Concerns were expressed at how this would work with people who could not read or read well or did not have functioning English as a first language and assurances were sought in respect of how those people would be able to access services. In response it was explained that the number of people who in those categories had not been quantified, but it was a piece of work that was underway to inform the developing Customer Access Strategy. Reference was made to the potential to use translation tools online, but it required further testing before being confirmed as a route for people who did not speak English as a first language.


Reference was made to the complications of the digital application process associated with Universal Credit, which had yet to be fully rolled out across the borough by the Department of Work and Pensions. In response, it was noted that government had been working to develop digital access for a number of year and the Council was some way behind in the process and would look to learn lessons from central government and from across local government to better inform the development of digital access to services.


Members also expressed concerns regarding public access to digital services in council buildings at the present time and the need to ensure that these were always accessible to ensure that confidence could be increased in service users. In response, it was agreed that reliable equipment would be required to ensure that this could be maintained.


Further information was sought in respect of digital practice within the local voluntary and community sector. It was confirmed that there was a lot of really good work already underway in the borough with partner agencies, much of which was some way ahead of the Council’s current position and had already done a lot of work to build relationships with more vulnerable groups of people to improve digital inclusion.


In response to a query concerning practical action, it was explained that all service areas in the Council were being challenged to become more digital, more customer focused and more efficient at the same time. Members welcomed this and were pleased to learn that a large number of business cases had been developed by service areas wanting to improve their digital offer and presence.




That the update be noted.  



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