Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting of the Tourism Panel held on 7th February, 2005

-         to receive the minutes and note the matters highlighted therein.


The following report was submitted:-


Tourism Panel

7th February, 2005



Present:- Councillor Walker (in the Chair); Councillors Boyes, Hall and Littleboy.


together with:-

Mr. Colin Scott, Rotherham Chamber of Trade


And the following officers:-


Julie Roberts

Town Centre & Markets Manager

Joanne Edley

Tourism Manager

Dawn Runciman

Events & Promotions

Marie Hayes

Commercial & Promotional Manager, ECALS

Emily Knowles

Twinning Officer




Apologies for Absence



Apologies were received from:-


Councillor G. Smith

Cabinet Member, Economic and Development Services

Guy Kilminister

Manager, Libraries, Museum and Arts





Minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th December, 2004



Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Tourism Panel held on Monday, 20th December, 2004, be approved as a correct record.




Matters Arising



There were no matters arising not covered on the agenda.




Tourism Projects



The Tourism Manager reported on the following:-


(i)             Visitor Guide – a new guide was being prepared to be published in March 2005.


(ii)            Group Travel Folder – this was being prepared to take to the Group Travel Exhibition on 26th February, 2005 in Bolton.


(iii)           Locations for Coach Parking – following negotiations with SYPTE, RUFC, Magna, Liquid/Diva etc several sites had been identified that could be used for coach parking subject to the sites’ own requirements.


The Tourism Office would operate as a central booking system and it was proposed to monitor demand.


Members commented that drop-off points in the town centre needed to be identified so that businesses were aware of these locations.  There also needed to be liaison with the Traffic Wardens.


Resolved:-  That a progress report be submitted to the Tourism Panel in six months time.


(iv)           Tourism Plan – the Tourism Manager was currently visiting providers of tourism services and in discussion with other sections within the Council connected with tourism.


(v)            Conference – “Fitness for Purpose” – ideas had been gained about how to take the quality of the accommodation product further in conjunction with health and safety, fire and environmental health services etc in order to ensure they met the legal requirements.


(vi)           DMO for South Yorkshire – there were on-going discussions with partners, and the draft marketing strategy had been sent to the Tourism Manager for the Council to comment on.




Events Programme - Update



The Events and Promotions Officer reported on the following:-


(i)             Ice Magic – 12th to 19th February, 2005


The British Champion would be at the opening.  Marketing material had already been placed around the town and information distributed.


(ii)            Continental Market – discussions were taking place to find a new operator to provide the best product and best value.


Members discussed linkages with Town Twinning, Rotherham Show and the Rotherham Festival.


Reference was made to the objectives, logistics, timing etc. and it was pointed out that a cost/benefit analysis would need to be carried out.


The view was expressed that there could be further linkages with schools through sport.


Resolved:-  That the Town Centre and Markets Manager, the Tourism Manager, the Events and Promotions Officer, the Commercial and Promotions Manager (ECALS) and the Town Twinning Officer meet to discuss the feasibility of this proposal.







Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.




YES project - update



The Town Centre and Markets Manager reported on the progress of the above national project.


It was reported that an outline planning application had been submitted by Oak Holdings for an entertainment resort.


It was pointed out that in view of the designation of the site within the Unitary Development Plan the application was likely to be a controversial issue and would go to public inquiry.


Members referred to the employment and skills issue and to anticipated objection from a neighbouring local authority over the theatres element.


It was agreed that a presentation should be made to the Council.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update be noted.


(2)  That the advice of the Head of Planning and Transportation Service be sought regarding a presentation to the Council.


(Exempt under Paragraphs 9 of the Act – land and property matters)









Any Other Business



The following issues were reported:-


(i)             Re-opening of Clifton ParkMuseum


It was reported that the Museum had been re-opened on 29th January, 2005 and to date had received 7,000 visitors.


The opening had received good press coverage.


The Libraries, Museum and Arts Manager would present a report to the next meeting of the Panel.


(ii)            Yorkshire and Humberside Tourist Board


This organisation was stressing the importance of culture, heritage and leisure in the development of tourism.


It was reported that a meeting was to be held with the Libraries, Museum and Arts Manager to discuss this issue.


(iii)           South Yorkshire Destination Management Organisation


The proposals for the establishment of the above were being discussed by the South Yorkshire Leaders and the outcome of their meeting was awaited.


(iv)           Adverse Publicity


An instance of adverse publicity was reported.  An appropriate response had been provided by the Communications Manager, RiDO.





Date, Time and Venue for the next meeting



Resolved:-  That the next meeting of the Tourism Panel be held at the Town Hall, Rotherham on Monday, 7th March, 2005 at 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall.












































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