Agenda item

Waste Collections Service Review


Consideration was given to a report which detailed the outcome of the waste consultation exercise that had taken place between 28 November 2017 and 26 January 2018 and proposed the introduction of changes to the Council’s waste collection service.


It was reported that views of residents had been sought on the proposed changes to the waste collection and recycling service and a range of activities had been undertaken to promote the consultation as widely as possible. Feedback had been elicited from the Council’s website in the main, as well as feedback received in writing and at drop-in sessions across the borough. Members noted that the majority of respondents to the consultation had indicated that the provision of regular waste collections, sufficient capacity in bins and a system that is easy to use were important factors to consider when making changes to the service.


Members sought clarification as to why consultants had been used to develop the proposals and why the work could not be undertaken by officers. In response, it was confirmed that capacity was an issue and that where a technical piece of work was required, additional expertise needed to be engaged.


Additional information was sought by Members in respect of trialling arrangements that had taken place prior to the preparation of the report. In response, it was explained that there had been a desire to get information in respect of demographics and backgrounds to work through issues and this could be supplied outside of the meeting. the Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety indicated that it had not been trial, but an opportunity to get some assurance that the proposals would work. No formal evaluation had taken place, but the Cabinet Member was assured that the proposal worked.


Members queried what additional work was planned to examine the implication of the proposed changes for flats. It was acknowledged that further work was required to examine access issues with the Housing Service, which would form part of the broader implementation plan, but communal bins and the frequency of meetings were suspected to be part of the solution.


Further lines of enquiry were raised to establish how habits would be changed as concerns were expressed that the full picture of information had not been completed within the report. In response, it was advised that the report set out the policy and direction of the service for the future and was a long term project that would take over a year to implement. Members followed up with a query in respect of allocating additional resources to ensure that the project was implemented well.  It was confirmed that extra resources would be required, especially in respect of engagement and customer service. It was also confirmed that the implementation plan would take account of behavioural change, education and communication.


Referring to the colour of bins, Members queried whether the proposals were consistent with other South Yorkshire authorities. It was confirmed that there was no harmonisation across South Yorkshire and the proposals were driven by the budget requirement and the desire of residents to re-use existing bins to save money.


Clarity was sought in respect of charges for replacement bins. It was confirmed that there would be a cost for a replacement residual waste bin, but recycling bins would be replaced for free. It was noted that this was the current policy, with an amendment to reflect recycling bins rather than bags and boxes.




1.    That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported subject to the inclusion of 2) and 3) below.


2.    That Cabinet be recommended:


a)    That prior to full implementation, a trial be initiated in different types of households (terraced housing, flats, maisonettes etc) to ensure that the proposed changes are feasible and such households are not adversely affected by the proposals.


b)    That the evaluation from the trail be reported back to scrutiny for consideration.


c)    That the feasibility of communal facilities be explored for waste disposals and recycling particularly for high density housing and new developments;


3.    That further details of communications and engagement strategy be provided to Improving Places Select Commission for their input and monitoring.





Supporting documents: