Agenda item

Carers' Strategy Implementation - Update

Presentation by Richard Smith, Adult Care, Housing and Public Health


Richard Smith and Nathan Atkinson gave the following powerpoint presentation on the Caring Together action plan:-


Caring Together Strategy Aims:-

-         That every carer in Rotherham is recognised and supported to maintain their health, wellbeing and personal outcomes.

-         To ensure carers are supported to maximise their financial resources.

-         That carers in Rotherham are recognised and respected as partners in care.

-         That carers can enjoy a life outside caring.

-         That young carers in Rotherham are identified, supported and nurtured to forward plan for their own lives.

-         That every young carer in Rotherham is supported to have a positive childhood where they can enjoy life and achieve good outcomes.


Six Key Themes:-

-         Carers Support.

-         Young Carers.

-         Unknown Carers.

-         Publicity and Promotion.

-         Training Offer.

-         Quality Assurance.



-         Memorandum of Understanding developed.

-         Bite size training modules co-produced and delivered to carers groups.

-         Networking and light respite opportunities provided to support carers.

-         Established a triage system through a single access point shared by Early Help and Children’s Care.

-         Four young carers awareness sessions delivered by Barnardos to Safeguarding Leads/Year Heads from Rotherham Schools and wider South Yorkshire School representatives.

-         As part of Safeguarding Awareness Week and Open Day Safeguarding Event was held at Barnardos Headquarters on 10th July, 2018.

-         Two newly qualified Rotherham G.P.s met with Rotherham Young Carers Service users and staff on 19th June, 2018 to raise their awareness of issues faced by young carers and their families in accessing healthcare.

-         Sarah Champion MP met with Service users and staff from Rotherham Young Carers on 22nd March, 2018.


Future Work:-

-         Partnership workshop with Carers’ Forum – August, 2018.

-         Review of Carers Self-Assessment process and pathway.

-         Strengthen carers’ voice with My Front Door.

-         Communication plan for engagement and involvement of carers.

-         Develop Quality Assurance Standards as part of the operational framework (to deliver Care Act responsibilities).

-         CYPS Commissioning and Barnardos are exploring other ways to raise awareness with G.P.’s.

-         G.P.’s have bi-monthly learning event and within schools and wider services who work with children and young people.

-         New Rotherham Young Carers’ Service leaflet distributed widely at events, schools and libraries.


The Carers’ Strategy was very comprehensive and its implementation was ambitious and exciting moving forward.  Its strategic aims recognised the work with carers and support to maintain carers’ health, wellbeing and personal outcomes.  Additional resources had been put into the carers’ workstream with new commissioning and operational leads.


A discussion and a question and answer session ensued and the following issues were raised and clarified:-


·             Under the key theme 3 building on the knowledge base of unknown carers and how they could be identified.


It was noted that a new joint post with the CCG recognised the need to focus on work with carers and with a model in place this would focus on the challenge for those who had not self-identified.  The links with health and wider networks were very important.


·             Was any work taking place in schools, particularly with learning mentors, to identify young carers?


Work was taking place with Head Teachers and relationships with schools were positive.  An all age approach was taken to identify young people with caring responsibilities.


·             How was the action plan progressing and how was it monitored?


The action plan and strategy were ambitious documents and the Council had a statutory responsibility to publish information and guidance, to provide parity of esteem for carers and to provide preventative services.  Additional resources had been provided to support the action plan.  A working group had been set up to oversee the action plan and an operational steering group fed back on actions.


·             How did the Strategy dovetail with the Health and Wellbeing Board and was this being monitored?


This was reflected in Aim 4 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy which was refreshed just before Easter.  A number of developments were in the pipeline to help registered carers.


Resolved:-  That Richard Smith and Nathan Atkinson be thanked for their informative presentation.