Agenda item

RDaSH Estate Strategy

Dianne Graham, Director of Rotherham Care Group, RDaSH, to present


Dianne Graham, Director of Rotherham Care Group, RDaSH, and Rachel Cadman, Transformation Lead for Rotherham Care Group, RDaSH, presented the following powerpoint presentation:-


Rotherham Estates Consultation

-          Aim – To seek stakeholder views on the two preferred options within the estates transformation plans”

-          Part of wider consultation, 700 staff, service users, other stakeholders events



-          Improved access for local people

-          Aligned to GP surgeries

-          Part of place based plans

-          Integrated mental health, all age, Learning Disability Services

-          Town centre facility

-          More efficient use of resources


Present Estates

-          Badsley Moor Lane – Learning Disability Services

-          Ferham Clinic – Adult Mental Health

-          Clifton Lane – Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT)

-          Howarth House – Older Persons Mental Health (OPMH) and Dementia Clinics

-          Swallownest Court – Adult Mental Health (AMH) inpatient/community

-          Woodlands – OPMH inpatient


Proposed Estates

-          Swallownest Court – South services

-          Woodlands – Borough-wide/front end services

-          Clearways – Town centre facility/clinics and base for IAPT team

-          Then:

North Services

Option 4 – Badsley Moor Lane (BML) (plus Ferham annex)

Option 5 – Ferham (plus Ferham annex)


Buildings we will no longer require

-          Reduce buildings from 6 to 4

-          No longer require Clifton Lane (IAPT)

-          No longer require Howarth House (OPMH)

-          Impact of agile working


Options considered

-          Riverside (local authority building)

-          The Bank

-          Rawmarsh Health Centre

-          Maintain status quo


Key Messages

-          Best use of Rotherham pound

-          Best value out of estates

-          Reducing from 6 to 4 buildings

-          Providing town centre clinic based services

-          Services will continue to be delivered


The estate plans were temporary with some moves for one to 2 years and further consideration with partners about a possible health clinic in the North for integrated health, mental health and social care. Savings would be around £100,000 for RDaSH but there were other benefits from co-location and greater integration and possibilities for other efficiencies, so it was a stepping stone.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·           Work was taking place to identify whether Ferham or Badsley Moor Lane was the best option.  Both facilities compared favourably with regard to cost and both were accessible to their localities.  It had formed part of the stakeholder consultation with questions asked as to what  it was like for them in terms of accessibility, environment, how difficult it was to get to both places, with the outcome being that Badsley Moor Lane was the preferred building.  Having said that Ferham had not been discounted.  Ferham Clinic Annex would remain whatever the final option was


·           Whilst recognising the ambitions behind the review in terms of joint working and close working with GPs, in the days of austerity how much was financial pressures or was it purely just reconfiguring services?  It was both.  RDaSH needed to be much more integrated.  It was the vision that in the future all Mental Health and Learning Disability Services would be provided in every Health and Social Care setting in Rotherham.  Progress had been made to provide that particularly at front end services and there were a range of examples outside the estate strategy:-


-        RDaSH was also integrated with the Care Co-ordination Centre and Local Authority Single Point of Access

-        a ward which was a joint venture between the Hospital and RDaSH for people with Dementia with physical health staff and mental health  staff

-        IAPT staff were in GP surgeries working with people with long term physical health conditions as well as mental health  conditions

-        working with Police in the Central Neighbourhood Team to try and integrate mental health  in the Police and Local Authority

-        Peri-Natal mental health working with the Hospital, District Nurses and Health Visitors

-        Hospital Liaison Service which was an integrated service with the Hospital making sure Mental Health, Alcohol Liaison and Learning Disability Services were integrated into the Hospital 


·           The Efficiency Strategy was not looking at reducing staffing levels and in fact NHS England had put extra funding into Mental Health Services over the last few years as part of the 5 year plan.  There was an increasing workforce but there were concerns about the change and transformation in Mental Health Services and the numbers of new people coming into the health system to cope with the pace of change


Dianne and Rachel were thanked for their presentation.


Resolved:-  That the presentation be noted.

Supporting documents: