Agenda item

Forge Island Development

Cabinet Portfolio:                 Jobs and the Local Economy

Strategic Directorate:           Regeneration and Environment


Consideration was given to a report which provided a progress update on the appointment of a development partner for the Forge Island development site in Rotherham town centre. Members noted that the Forge Island development was the flagship scheme in the Town Centre Masterplan and central to the Council’s plans to regenerate the town centre. The Masterplan indicated that Forge Island should be redeveloped with a range of leisure-led uses to strengthen and diversify the town centre. The intended beneficiaries of the development were not restricted to local residents living within close proximity, but also spread to the wider borough and City Region level.


Members sought further information on the type of leisure and business outlets that were anticipated to be part of the development. In response, and being conscious of commercial sensitivities, it was confirmed that the detail on the make up of the offer would be subject to the planning process, but it was anticipated that a cinema operator, a number of food and drink outlets and a quality hotel operator would be interested to the development. In addition, there would an improved range of public realm. 


Assurances were sought that there would be guarantees in respect of wage levels for those working on the development. In response, the Board were advised that no contracts had been signed to date, but officers would work with colleagues in Procurement to ensure that it was included in the contract prior to confirmation. 


Turning to the risks associated with the development, Members queried what risk there would be to the authority. In response, officers confirmed that Finance and Legal Services were working through the risks and mitigations. Members noted that there would always be a risk with speculative development as it is at the mercy of market forces, however they also reflected on the risk of doing nothing given the potentially reduced town centre offer, which was a national issue for town centres and not bespoke to Rotherham.


Members queried whether the detail of the winning bid could be shared with the Board. It was explained that the information was commercially sensitive and that it would be appropriate to give further consideration as to how that could be shared. Members felt a workshop would be the most appropriate method, but agreed that the Chair would discuss separately with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy and officers.


In response to a question on the key milestones for the contract, it was confirmed that the agreement for the lease was expected by the end of 2018. Following that the developer would be able to appoint a development team. A planning application for the development was expected to submitted at the beginning of 2019, with work starting later in the year. Present projections were that the first phase of the development would be open in 2020, but at these were only indicative dates at this stage.




1.    That the update be noted.


2.    That, subject to discussions between the Chair and the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy, a workshop be arranged with scrutiny members.


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