Agenda item



To receive a statement from the Leader of the Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.


The Leader of the Council was pleased to congratulate Rahul Mandal from Rotherham on his successful win on the Great British Bake Off.


He also reported the departure of the Government-appointed Commissioners from Rotherham following the announcement by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government made on 18th September to reinstate decision making to democratically elected councillors as of 24th September, 2018.


It was testimony to the dedication and resilience that all Members, Commissioners, officers and partners have demonstrated that had played a big role in bringing Commissioner involvement to an early conclusion and to make progress.  This was the beginning and the Council should continue to have high standards with more to do.


Given that the Commissioners have left early the Council would undertake a ‘Health Check’ in February, 2019 to ensure that progress was continuing.


There have also been a number of boosts to the town over recent weeks in relation to regeneration and economic development with a national first and significant boost to the town’s infrastructure with the launch of the Tram Train increasing connectivity between Rotherham and Sheffield.


Works commissioned by South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) had also reached the highest point of the refurbishment of Rotherham Interchange, as building contractors, Interserve, hit the halfway mark of the contract programme.


In addition, the first Rother Living show homes opened on Saturday, 13th October, 2018off Braithwell Road, Maltby as part of the latest major housing development from the Council, offering high quality and affordable homes in the Borough. The Northgate development was part of a £29 million investment to construct new properties at a number of sites across the Borough, with a mixture of houses for sale, rent and shared ownership.


The Leader also drew attention to the recent verdicts resulting in twenty-one guilty accounts against seven defendants for Operation Stovewood.  This was good news for all concerned and the Leader wished to place on record his thanks to professionals, the National Crime Agency and support staff who made this possible and again paid tribute to survivors and their families who continued to inspire with their determination and dedication.


Questions not exceeding ten minutes were invited from Members of the Council.


Councillor Carter made reference to the Tram Train, which was a good result for Rotherham and South Yorkshire as a whole, and asked, providing the teething issues got ironed out, would the Council be pushing for further expansion of the Tram Train throughout South Yorkshire.


The Leader confirmed there were no plans at this stage.  The initial idea was for a two year trial given that the technology was still in testing.  He advised there was a piece of work under the guise of Sheffield City Region for rail connectivety more widely across South Yorkshire and he had urged the Mayor of the City Region to given consideration to Tram Train improvements.  With the short term progress and if the technology worked well there should be serious consideration as to how best connect localities across South Yorkshire.


Councillor John Turner made reference to the Forge Island Seminar he had attended recently and asked if the Leader would direct his attentions to the development of a new theatre.  Especially so with the development of the new Tram Train which could open up opportunities for people in Sheffield to attend and make it more viable given the funding spent on it.


The Leader confirmed funding for the new Tram Train had been from Central Government and at no cost to the Council.  However, in terms of a new theatre this was being looked at closely, but at the moment this was not financially viable.  However, this would be kept under consideration for any grants that may be available.  The Leader confirmed he would keep Members informed of any developments.