Agenda item

Budget Options 2019/20 and 2020/21


To receive an update on the overall value of budget reductions necessary over the next two financial years and consider options that have been identified from service areas to address the budget gap across both years.


Members considered the following budget proposals:-



OSMB Comments

Supported or Not Supported

Additional Actions

Community Safety and Street Scene – Street Pride Zonal Working (RE2)

Members recognised the transformative nature of the proposal and the work that would be required to ensure that the new operating model was effective and delivered the anticipated savings.




Community Safety and Street Scene – Integrated Regulatory and Enforcement Services (RE3)

Members sought assurances that there would be no diminution of service provision.



Transport Fleet Extended Lease Years (RE4)

Members sought assurances that the purchase of vehicles represented best value as opposed to the present leasing arrangement.




Capitalise revenue expenditure for capital works carried out on the Highway Network, specifically Multihog patching works (RE5)

No comments



Capitalise expenditure for works carried out to replace obsolete street lighting units (RE6)

No comments



Review of Council Depots (RE7)

Members emphasised the importance of pace in delivering the proposed changes if the anticipated savings were to be realised in the timescales described.




Heritage Services – increased volunteering (RE8)

Members were very supportive of the proposal and suggested utilising a number of other organisations in the borough, such as the MCVC, for potential sources of volunteers.




Reduction in the Library stock budget (RE9)

Clarification was sought in respect of the number of fiction books loaned from libraries opposed to reference books. Further assurances were sought around consultation on proposals for reviewing library service provision.



Clarification to be provided in respect of the ratio of fiction books to reference books loaned from libraries in the borough.

Introducing an automatic car parking system at Rother Valley Country Park (RE10)

Clarification was sought in respect of the timescales for implementation and the impact on disabled users of the park.



Planning and Building Control - Reduction of staffing resources in Planning Service (RE11)

Discussions focussed on the impact of increased workload on the service if the number of applications increased subsequent to implementation. Assurances were provided that the proposal would not negatively impact on the provision of good service.




Increase in income from licence fees paid by business centre tenants and an increase in occupancy levels (RE12)

Clarification was sought in respect of how the proposal would impact on occupancy rates and it was confirmed that the analysis indicated that there would not be a negative impact.



Riverside House Café (RE13)

Members wanted further information on what the exact implication of the proposal would be. It was understood that this would not become clear until a procurement process had been undertaken.

No decision

A further report to be submitted to OSMB to provide further detail in respect of staffing implications and the impact on users of Riverside House.


Asset Management and Property Savings (RE14)

Members were not satisfied with the explanations provided in respect of the impact on the retention of archives and records currently stored at Bailey House.

No decision

A further report to be submitted to OSMB outlining how archives and records will be transferred and securely stored.


Review of Clinical Waste Operation (RE15)

Members sought further information in respect of the exact nature of the service provided in light of recent national news stories concerning the disposal of clinical waste. It was noted that this was a service provided to the NHS, but was not one that the Council was statutorily required to provide.



Bring Site Removal from October 2019 (RE16)

Members advised that signage would be required to be placed at sites to ensure that residents were aware of impending changes. It was hoped that the pending changes to household recycling collections would reduce the need for the bring-site provision.



Information to be provided to Members in respect of the impact of the earlier removal of the bring site at Morrisons in Bramley.

Reduce Public Right of Way staff resource (RE17)

Members sought assurances that there would be no adverse impact on rights of way work and it was confirmed that the proposal would make permanent a temporary arrangement that was already in operation.




Introduction of Pre-Inspection Food Hygiene Inspections (RE18)

Members were very supportive of the proposal and queried whether the service had underestimated the potential income to be generated. It was explained that the proposal had been realistic for the first year of operation, which could be reviewed as demand developed.




CYP Demand Management (CYPS1)

In the context of the current position of demand for child social care services, Members did not feel that sufficient detail had been provided to explain exactly how the transformative approach would deliver the anticipated savings.


Supported, in principle

A further meeting be held to scrutinise the proposals in detail.

Children and Young People’s Services, Early Help & Social Care Pathway (CYPS2)

Recognising that the proposal represented a fundamental change to the way in which services were delivered, Members did not feel that sufficient detail had been provided to explain exactly how the transformative approach would deliver the anticipated savings.


Supported, in principle

A further meeting be held to scrutinise the proposals in detail.

CYP Performance & Quality (CYPS3)

Assurances were sought that the proposal had not been submitted in haste following the departure of the former Commissioner for Children’s Social Care. It was felt that it was the correct time for the proposal to be brought forward given the confidence that the Ofsted inspection and the return of powers had brought.




CYP Market Management (CYP4)

Members welcomed the proposal and wished to see more pace in pushing regional market and demand management to realise efficiencies whilst ensuring the best outcome for children.






Supporting documents: