Agenda item

Swinton Town Centre Redevelopment - Development Brief, Appointment of Developer and Disposal

Report of the Acting Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.    That approval be given to the aims and objectives for the redevelopment of Swinton Town Centre as set out at section 2 of this report.


2.    That approval be given for an OJEU compliant procurement process to be undertaken in accordance with Rotherham Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and Domestic and European Procurement Law.


3.    That approval be given to Option 2 as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report. This option foregoes an amount of capital receipt to the Council in order to achieve regenerative benefits to the Community and the Council in relation to the redevelopment.


4.    That a further report be submitted following the evaluation of the tender submissions received, which recommends the endorsement of the preferred proposal and any approvals required for the disposal of land and property.



Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on progress following the market testing of a redevelopment opportunity for two sites one a vacant Council owned site proposed for residential development and the other the existing Council buildings in Swinton Town Centre.


The site was fronted by Council owned retail and residential units and community facilities, the rear of the site was vacant. The vacant element was suitable for housing and the development of this land offered the opportunity to bring forward improvements to the Council owned assets. This report also requested the approval required to progress this project through the submission of a Development Brief to the open market.


Resolved:-  (1)  That aims and objectives for the redevelopment of Swinton Town Centre as set out at section 2 of this report be approved.


(2)  That an OJEU compliant procurement process be approved to be undertaken in accordance with Rotherham Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and Domestic and European Procurement Law.


(3)  That Option 2 be approved as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report. This option foregoes an amount of capital receipt to the Council in order to achieve regenerative benefits to the Community and the Council in relation to the redevelopment.


(4)  That a further report be submitted following the evaluation of the tender submissions received, which recommends the endorsement of the preferred proposal and any approvals required for the disposal of land and property.

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