Agenda item

Active for Health


Amy Roden, Public Health, and Dr. Simon Nichols, Sheffield Hallam University, gave the following powerpoint presentation on insights from the Rotherham Active for Health Research Projects 2015-2018:-


What is Active for Health (AFH)

-          A safe and robust multi-condition sport and physical activity project linking healthcare services to community physical activity opportunities.  With the aim to facilitate long term adherence to sport and physical activity to aid recovery and condition management


Why was Active for Health developed

-          Research evidence for long term conditions and physical activity

-          Need and demand locally

-          Specific activity for inactive patients e.g. cancer, cardiac and heart failure, COPD, falls, stroke, MSK lower back pain

-          Evidence and models from previous Falls pilot work

-          Opportunity to access large pilot funding pot – Get Healthy Get Active for piloting projects with physical activity/long term conditions


The ‘Active for Health’ Programme

Step 1 Rehabilitation

-     Lead exercise professionals work with patients in health care services to motivate referrals into step 2

Step 2 Moving on

-     12 week condition specific physical activity programme.  Delivered by level 4 instructors

Step 3 Keeping active

-     Maintenance sessions aimed at continuing recovery


How the programme was delivered – what’s different

-          Level 4 exercise specialists to ensure patients gained condition specific physiological outcomes

-          Procured the service – 2 providers, 2 reasons; more effective management/long term sustainability

-          Borough-wide community based approach

-          Linked into relevant local, regional, national programmes to enhance delivery at local level (clinical champions, SPS, Health trainers)


The evaluation of Active for Health

“To what extent the Active for Health Pathway is effective and cost effective in supporting and sustaining inactive individuals into physical activity opportunities/sport”

Primary Outcomes

-          Physical activity change

-          Cost benefit/health service utilisation

Secondary Outcomes

-          Quality of life

-          Patient and stakeholder experience


Sustainability – What’s happening with the project now?

-          Sustainability plan

-          Provision will continue

-          Funding secured for Falls and Cancer programme 2018/19

-          Providers will continue to offer a modified service for all other conditions

-          Final research report – December 2018


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·           Someone diagnosed with Cancer and clinically obese would be referred through their GP or other health care professional.  Cancer Nursing Teams at the Hospital had signposted patients


·           The Cardiac referral form was very complicated and time consuming for a GP to complete and felt that the information required was out of proportion for patients to get exercise.  However, it was the level of information required in terms of medication, condition etc. before an instructor could set an exercise programme.  This level of information only applied to cardiac patients


·           The programme had known of the patients that needed activities to be delivered in community-based facilities and had linked them up into other activities.  It had to also look at the differences between getting generally inactive people active


·           Active for Health was trying to do things differently and connect everything together.  There was no real shortage of opportunities to undertake physical activity but the big change for Active for Health was to get the clinicians and hospitals to work with it


·           Across the whole of the project the retention rates after 3 months were 60-70%.  The reasons for drop outs would be included in the final report.


Amy and Simon were thanked for their presentation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That when produced, Amy Roden provide Becky Woolley with the final report for circulation to the Board.

Action:-  Amy Roden/Becky Woolley