Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health
Consideration was given to a report submitted by the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health in respect of the roll out of Universal Credit across the borough on 11 July 2018. It was reported that individuals move onto the Universal Credit system when they are a new claimant or if there is a change in their circumstances which would trigger the changeover from legacy benefits.
The report explained that working groups continue to meet at both strategic and operational levels, which have brought together service providers, the Department for Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus and other relevant partners, including Rotherfed and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau.
It was reported that, as at 21 September 2018, there had been 58 referrals for Personal Budgeting Support, of which 43 claimants attended the subsequent appointment, meaning that 26% of referrals had failed to attend. It was advised referral rates needed to be maintained, as the value of grant funding received by the Council was based on forecasted referral rates provided by the Department of Work and Pensions. For Personal Budgeting Support it was anticipated there would be 799 Personal Budgeting Support appointments by 31 March 2019.
It was further reported that the migration of 720 Universal Credit Live Service claimants (single people who made a claim locally between December 2015 and December 2017) commenced on 19 September 2018. It was expected that all claimants in this group would be transferred by December 2018, prior to the national computer system for Universal Credit Live Service claims being switched off early in the New Year. The Housing Service would continue to support all affected tenants to offer support as required given the claimant would need to activate a new claim for the Universal Credit Full Service.
Members sought assurances that the Council was prioritising the residents of Rotherham, rather than the risk of rent arrears hitting the finances of the Housing Revenue Account. In response, it was advised that the Housing Income Team had been restructured to help support tenants with financial advice in the context of Universal Credit. Members observed that the support offered was limited and could not be regarded as an advocacy service. In response to a question regarding contact from the Council when entering arrears, it was confirmed that tenants would receive a notification immediately and a conversation with the service would take place within three weeks of entering arrears.
Members expressed some surprise at the report citing an absence of difficulties being experienced by partners in providing support following the roll out of Universal Credit. In response, it was confirmed that it was still relatively early in the transition and that a further report would break down the issues relating to impact on housing tenants and the broader impact of implementation of Universal Credit on residents in the borough, which would take into account the demand on foodbanks and other support services, including services across the Council. It was recognised that it was still relatively early in the roll out and the Council was not responsible for the implementation, but it was driven by Government through the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
Assurances were sought from Members that training for staff in respect of assisting tenants with making claims for housing benefit had taken place across the authority, rather than just in the Housing Service. It was confirmed that there had been a corporate roll out of the training. Further concerns were expressed that communication with DWP was creating issues which were impacting on residents. Further assurances were providing that senior officers were meeting with DWP to ensure that services were more joined up and effective in responding to a moveable issue with the Government’s position on Universal Credit being uncertain in some areas.
1. That a further report be submitted to the Board on the impact of the roll out of Universal Credit.
2. That the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and the Chair of the Improving Lives Select Commission work with the Scrutiny Officer to assist in the scoping of the future report from the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.
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