Agenda item

Proposal to increase capacity at Aston Academy through basic need funding

Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services




1.    That, subject to a successful planning application, approval be granted to the proposal to allocate £4.5m capital to increase capacity by 150 places at Aston Academyby the installation of additional classroom space to accommodate future pupil numbers and to replace temporary classrooms currently on site.




Consideration was given to the report regarding Aston Academy which was currently oversubscribed and the trend set to continue in future years given its popularity.


This report, therefore, sought approval to fund an increase in capacity at the school to accommodate the current and future demand for places, subject to a successful planning application. 


There were significant additional costs to the building project as there were four temporary classrooms and a school gymnasium with changing rooms on site which have a temporary planning consent, as they are located on Green Belt land. These resources were installed as an interim solution as the school was to be completely rebuilt under the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) project. Subsequently, the Department for Education terminated the BSF project and Aston Academy’s rebuild project was cancelled. The temporary classrooms and gymnasium would have to be replaced and relocated on site as part of the previous planning conditions. The cost of this work could be met from DfE funds provided to the Local Authority to meet their statutory obligations to provide sufficient school places in maintained schools, academies and free schools.   Any other maintenance projects would have to be met by the Academy itself.


Resolved:- That, subject to a successful planning application, the proposal to allocate £4.5m capital to increase capacity by 150 places at Aston Academyby the installation of additional classroom space to accommodate future pupil numbers and to replace temporary classrooms currently on site be approved.

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