Agenda item

Disposal of Surplus Properties

Report of the Acting Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.    That approval be given to the proposed disposal of the Council’s freehold interest in the following properties:-


(a)  Goodwin Crescent, Swinton

(b)  36 Nelson Street, Boston Castle

(c)  Netherfield Court, Eldon Road, Eastwood

(d)  20 Percy Street, Boston Castle

(e)  21 Scholes Lane, Scholes Village

(f)   92 Creswick Road, East Herringthorpe

(g)  17 West Close, Kimberworth Park

(h)  60 Studmoor Road, Kimberworth


2.    That the Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration and Transport be authorised to agree and implement the method of disposal of each asset.


3.    That the Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete the necessary legal agreements.



Consideration was given to the report which sought approval to dispose of the Council’s freehold interest of a number of surplus properties, namely:-


a)          2 Goodwin Crescent, Swinton

b)          36 Nelson Street, Boston Castle

c)          Netherfield Court, Eldon Road, Eastwood

d)          20 Percy Street, Boston Castle

e)          21 Scholes Lane, Scholes Village

f)            92 Creswick Road, East Herringthorpe

g)          17 West Close, Kimberworth Park

h)          60 Studmoor Road, Kimberworth


The subject properties have all been declared surplus to the operational requirements of the service directorates. Some have been held in the Land and Property Bank for a number of years whilst services and external public sector bodies have investigated various potential uses.


The overall condition of the properties was deteriorating and many were suffering from continued acts of vandalism and anti-social behaviour.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed disposal of the Council’s freehold interest in the following properties be approved:-


(a)        Goodwin Crescent, Swinton.

(b)        36 Nelson Street, Boston Castle.

(c)        Netherfield Court, Eldon Road, Eastwood.

(d)        20 Percy Street, Boston Castle.

(e)        21 Scholes Lane, Scholes Village.

(f)         92 Creswick Road, East Herringthorpe.

(g)        17 West Close, Kimberworth Park.

(h)        60 Studmoor Road, Kimberworth.


(2)  That the Assistant Director Planning, Regeneration and Transport be authorised to agree and implement the method of disposal of each asset.


(3)  That the Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete the necessary legal agreements.

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