Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Draft Performance Framework

Becky Woolley, Policy and Partnerships Officer


Becky Woolley, Policy and Partnerships Officer, presented the final draft of the Performance Framework, together with the aid of a powerpoint presentation, to measure the successful delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The draft Framework (Appendix 1 of the report submitted) sought to compliment additional information available to the Board such as the JSNA and the ICP Place Plan quarterly performance reports by providing a high level and outcomes-focused overview of performance through a number of priority indicators.


The priority indicators had been selected to reflect the aims and strategic priorities within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and aimed to capture some of the key improvements that the Strategy sought to make by 2025 to the health and wellbeing of Rotherham people.


Once approved, a scorecard would be developed including data benchmarking Rotherham’s position to national and regional averages.  It was proposed that the scorecard be included as a standing item on future agendas.


As data publication cycles were not aligned for all of the indicators, it was recommended that updates to the scorecard become a standing item on Board agendas.  This would ensure the Board had continued oversight of performance and could escalate any emerging issues at the earliest possible opportunity.


It was also proposed that partners participated in an annual session dedicated to performance providing an opportunity to evaluate trends and identify any areas that required further attention.


Discussion ensued on the proposed Indicators within each Aim:-


Aim 1:  All children get the best start in life and go on to achieve their potential

-                   Child excess weight in 4-5 year olds rather than 10-11 year olds

-                   Query why Children in Need rate and not Child Protection

-                   Query why Average attainment 8 score rather than NEETS


Aim 2: All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a good quality of life

-                   Include work taking place across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw and the Sheffield City Region and how supporting people with mental health issues into employment

-                   Probable refresh of the timelines due to the NHS Long Term Plan

-                   3 targets at South Yorkshire level – Dementia Diagnosis, IAPT and early intervention in Psychosis


Aim 3:  All Rotherham people live well for longer

No comments


Aim 4:  All Rotherham people live in healthy, safe and resilient communities

-                   Should rough sleepers be included?

-                   Anti-social behaviour?


Resolved:-  (1)  That the draft Performance Framework be approved in principle.


(2)  That discussions take place with Jon Stonehouse with regard to the queries under Aim 1.

Action:-  Becky Woolley/Jon Stonehouse


(3)  That sub-group be established to look at good practice from other areas and the NHS Long Term Plan with regard to Aim 4.

Action:  Becky Woolley


(4)  That the Board participate in a dedicated annual session on performance.


(5)  That the proposed approach to receive updates on performance be approved.


(6)  That Becky Woolley attend the next meeting of the Place Board to discuss the scorecard.

Action:-  Chris Edwards/Becky Woolley


(7)  That the scorecard be included as a standing agenda on future Board agendas.

Supporting documents: