Agenda item

Council Plan 2018-2019 Quarter 3 Performance Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive




1.    That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.


2.    That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics


3.    That the performance reporting timetable for 2018-2019 be noted



Consideration was given to the Council Plan which was the core document that underpinned the Council’s overall vision and which set out the headline priorities, outcomes and measures that would demonstrate delivery of the vision. The process for monitoring of performance against the vision was set out in the Council’s Performance Management Framework which explains to all Council staff how robust performance monitoring should be carried out.  


The Performance Report and Performance Scorecard included in Appendix A provides an analysis of the Council’s current performance against 14 key delivery outcomes and 70 measures and was based on the currently available data including an overview of progress on key projects and activities which contributed to the delivery of the Council Plan.   


At the end of the third quarter (October to December 2018) 24 measures had either met or had exceeded the target set in the Council Plan.  This represented 42% of the total number of measures where data was available or where targets have been set. This was another successive slight decline in performance as 45% of measures hit their targets in quarter two and 47% in quarter one. The Priority area with the highest proportion of targets met was Priority 4 (Extending opportunity, Prosperity and planning for the future) where 67% of measures are marked as on target.


The direction of travel was positive for 36 (58%) of the measures calculated in this quarter. This was a slight improvement compared to the 57% figure for last quarter and suggested that, although there had been an increase in the number of targets marked as “off track”, overall performance was improving.


Cabinet Members highlighted the headline progress made to deliver against the key delivery outcomes and any action arising:-


Councillor Alam reported on overall performance which had remained constant and the direction of travel positive in this quarter.  Sickness absence had continued on an upward trend and had exceeded the annual target.  Action was being taken to review current management of long term sickness.


Councillor Beck reported on the number of new homes delivered during the year via direct Council intervention.  The measure allowed the Council to track the amount of homes delivered which the Council could actually influence.  So far there have been 97 against a year-end target of 109.  Officers were confident this target would be achieved, whilst acknowledging the Council had little influence in terms of housing growth within the private sector.


Councillor Roche confirmed that with the new service provider now in placement improvements in the successful completion of drug – non-opiate users would be seen within 6 months and be available in the final quarter of the year and would remain off target.


Where there were challenges action plans have been produced and were monitored by officers.  Rotherham was just outside the top quartile range and needed just one more successful exit to compare favourably with the England average.


The proportion of people subject to a safeguarding risk who felt their outcomes had been met had improved to 99% against a target of 96%.


The measure relating to the number of people who were provided with information and advice at the first point of contact was performing well and on target.  A new operating model was in the process of being developed which would produce a framework which would improve outcomes for people in the future.


Councillor Allen confirmed the number of engagements with the Council’s culture and leisure facilities had already exceeded its target and the service would be pushing itself even further next year to improve performance.


The new camping and caravan park at Rother Valley Country Park was due to welcome its first customers at Easter.  Performance would be monitored by the improving Place Select Commission in due course.


No complaints had been received about grounds maintenance and street cleansing in Quarter 2.  In Quarter 3 there was just one on grounds maintenance, but on the other hand there were 3 compliments.  The Service were not being complacent and a very positive meeting had been held last week with managers from the Streetpride Services to look further at what measures could be introduced to better reflect a connection with Streetpride to locality based work.


Councillor Lelliott reported on a well performing area with the number of new businesses supported by the Council which was also linked to the survival rate of new businesses over a three year period.


The number of planning applications determined within the specified period was also on target.


An area for improvement was the percentage of vacant floor space in the town centre.  Officers were working to address this.  Problems with retail in the town centre were not just a Rotherham problem, but an issue nationally with the high street.


Councillor Hoddinott explained some of the indicators were not moving in the right direction, but discussions were taking place with services around fly tipping, missed bins and anti-social behaviour.


The direction of travel was improving for the percentage of positive outcomes for hate crime cases, which was welcomed.  Work would continue with the Police about addressing hate crime and positive outcomes for victims.


The Chair was confident Quarter 4 would see an improving picture and ensure targets would be delivered upon. 



Resolved:-  (1)  That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to performance be noted.


(2)  That consideration be given to measures which have not progressed in accordance with the target set and the actions required to improve performance, including future performance clinics.


(3)  That the performance reporting timetable for 2018-2019 be noted.

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