Consideration was given to the report as submitted and a short presentation (by way of PowerPoint) by the Deputy Monitoring Officer, which presented the findings of the Committee on Standards in Public Life review of Local Government Ethical Standards and sought views from the Committee on what action should be taken at this stage if any.
On 30th January, 2019, the Committee on Standards in Public Life published its report and key recommendations included:-
• A new power for local authorities to suspend councillors without allowances for up to six months with a right of appeal for suspended councillors to the Local Government Ombudsman.
• Revised rules on declaring interests and gifts and hospitality.
• An updated voluntary Model Code of Conduct to be introduced with local authorities to retain ownership of their own Codes of Conduct.
• A strengthened role for the Independent Person.
• Monitoring Officers provided with adequate training, corporate support and resources and statutory protections to be expanded
• Greater transparency about the number and nature of Code complaints
• Political groups set clear expectations of behaviour by their members and code of conduct training be mandatory.
Many of the recommendations would require primary legislation; the implementation of which would be subject to Parliamentary timetabling. Some changes could be made through secondary legislation or amendments to the Local Government Transparency Code, which could be implemented by Government relatively quickly.
The best practice was a matter for individual local authorities and, therefore, could be introduced by the Council straightway through the establishment of a Working Group. This would allow for consideration of the steps to be taken to introduce all of the best practice recommendations as set out in the report.
The Committee welcomed the recommendations set out in the report, but suggested that the Working Group be delayed and included as an agenda item at the next meeting in June, thus allowing for potential changes to the membership at the Annual Council Meeting in May. This was due to the Council already having some of the best practice in place; notably prohibition on bullying and harassment in the code of conduct, the code of conduct and arrangements for dealing with complaints clearly published on the website, access to two Independent Persons and a requirement to consult with the Independent Person at initial assessment stage.
The presentation highlighted:-
· A Reminder of the Current Regime.
· Remit for the Review.
· Headline Findings.
· Specific Recommendations – Code of Conduct.
· Specific Recommendations – The Scope of the Code.
· Specific Recommendations – Sanctions.
· Specific Recommendations – The Role of the Independent Person.
· Specific Recommendations – Standards Committees.
· Specific Recommendations – The Role of the Monitoring Officer.
· Best Practice in Local Government.
· Next Steps.
The Committee were in full support of the steps to introduce all the best practice recommendations as this would demonstrate the Committee’s continued commitment to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members of the Council.
The introduction of an updated voluntary Model Code of Conduct for Local Authorities to retain ownership of their own Codes of Conduct would provide consistency across the borough and provide clarity when the Code was applicable. The eventual application of any sanctions would be subject to a level to be determined by the Council once the legislation had been approved.
Resolved:- (1) That the report be received and the contents noted.
(2) That consideration of a Working Group being established, to consider the steps be taken to introduce all of the best practice recommendations set out in the Committee on Standards in Public Life report, be deferred to the next meeting.
Supporting documents: