Agenda item

Consultation on a New Library Strategy 2020 - 2025


Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.    That consultation be undertaken with the public, partners, stakeholders and interested parties in respect of developing a new Library Strategy 2020 – 2025.


2.    That a further report be brought to Cabinet detailing proposals for a draft library strategy 2020 – 2025.  The report will identify potential improvements to service and potential efficiencies.


3.    That the Assistant Director of Culture, Sport and Tourism notify the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport of the consultation and potential changes to service provision.


Consideration was given the report which detailed how the Council had a statutory responsibility to provide “a comprehensive and efficient” public library service “for all persons desiring to make use thereof” (Public Libraries and Museums Act, 1964). The Act stated that the Local Authority had a duty to provide facilities for borrowing books and other materials and that it should encourage both adults and children to make full use of the service.


Libraries were visited for a variety of reasons in addition to borrowing books and other items.  There was a full yearly programme of activities for all ages which received in the region of 70,000 visits per annum.  These included regular Rhymetimes for pre-school children, storytimes, Lego and code clubs plus holiday and after-school craft activities. For adults libraries offered work clubs, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, a variety of readers groups, author visits and a range of social activities including knit and natter, bridge clubs, family history and basic computer sessions.


Satisfaction ratings for the Library Service were exceptional, averaging at 99.08% in 2018/19 for overall service delivery and pen portraits of each of the fifteen existing libraries were provided as part of the report.


It was, therefore, proposed to undertake an initial assessment of local need and engagement with partners, stakeholders and interested parties in respect of developing options for a future service delivery model, followed by a further report to Cabinet detailing proposals to be consulted on for a future service model, including identification of potential improvements to service and efficiencies, in the context of a refreshed Library Strategy.


Cabinet Members expressed how proud they were that in Rotherham the Library Service had been maintained when austerity measures had caused other local authorities to make cuts.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations, subject to a sub-group of Overview and Scrutiny Management Board being established to scrutinise the outcome of Phase 1 of the consultation prior to the start of work on the final service offer.


Resolved:-  (1)  That consultation be undertaken with the public, partners, stakeholders and interested parties in respect of developing a new Library Strategy 2020 – 2025.


(2) That a further report be brought to Cabinet detailing proposals for a draft library strategy 2020 – 2025.  The report would identify potential improvements to service and potential efficiencies.


(3)  That the Assistant Director of Culture, Sport and Tourism notify the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport of the consultation and potential changes to service provision.

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