Agenda item

Rotherham Multi-Agency Arrangements for Safeguarding Children


Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services




1.          That the Rotherham Multi-Agency Arrangements for Safeguarding Children be endorsed.


Consideration was given to the report which presented the Rotherham Multi-Agency Arrangements for Safeguarding Children, which had been developed, in accordance with statutory guidance, by the three safeguarding partners in consultation with the wider partnership. These arrangements would become effective from September, 2019.


The new safeguarding arrangements built on the strengths of the current partnership working in relation to safeguarding children under the auspices of the Local Safeguarding Children Board; and this served to provide a firm foundation for continuing with the good progress which had been made in relation to safeguarding children and for planning new strategic priorities and objectives.


There was also a requirement for independent scrutiny to provide assurance in judging the effectiveness of multi-agency arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in Rotherham.  It had been agreed by the safeguarding partners that this would continue to be provided through an Independent chairperson.


The proposal had had extensive consultation across the partnership via the Local Safeguarding Children Board. The Health and Wellbeing Board, Safeguarding Adults Board and Safer Rotherham Partnership have also received briefings on the changes to statutory guidance and have been given opportunities to contribute to the development of the new arrangements.


Discussions remained ongoing with regards to the Rotherham CCG (training) contribution of £22,000 as listed under the new Multi-Agency Arrangements for Safeguarding Children.


Resolved:-  That the Rotherham Multi-Agency Arrangements for Safeguarding Children be endorsed.

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