Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That approval be given to the acquisition of land at Fenton Road as detailed in Appendix 3, subject to the land being acquired within the allocated budget.
2. That the Assistant Director of Planning, Regeneration and Transport negotiates and agrees the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Financial Services and the Assistant Director of Legal Services.
3. That the Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete the necessary legal agreements required for the acquisition of land at Fenton Road.
Consideration was given to the report which sought approval to acquire 1.29 hectares of land at Fenton Road from the Watson Estate.
The Council already owned part of this Fenton Road site and the acquisition of the remainder would give the Council full control of this site and enable it to be marketed for housing development. The whole site could accommodate approximately 90 new homes which would make a positive contribution to the Council’s Housing Delivery Target.
The sale of the site to a housebuilder would also secure a Capital Receipt for the Council and would be the subject of a further report to Cabinet.
Resolved:- (1) That the acquisition of land at Fenton Road, as detailed in Appendix 3, subject to the land being acquired within the allocated budget be approved.
(2) That the Assistant Director of Planning, Regeneration and Transport negotiates and agrees the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Financial Services and the Assistant Director of Legal Services.
(3) That the Assistant Director of Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and complete the necessary legal agreements required for the acquisition of land at Fenton Road.
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