Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
Consideration was given to the report that detailed how under Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 a Licensing Authority was required to prepare and publish a statement of its licensing policy at least every three years.
The Council was now seeking to develop a revised Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Policy that, whilst acknowledging that gambling was a legitimate leisure activity that many people enjoyed and one that generated income, sought to protect residents from the potential harm that could be caused by problem gambling.
To support this, the Council proposed and sought approval to undertake consultation to seek the views of key stakeholders and residents of Rotherham, to inform the development of a draft Policy.
In addition the Council also proposed to develop ‘Area Risk Profiles’, to identify any potential parts of the Borough where further granting of licences or variations to licences could impact on the Council’s obligations in respect of the Licensing Objectives. This would be used to support determinations under the Policy.
Resolved:- (1) That approval be given to commence public consultation, in line with Option 3 (Section 3), to inform the development of the Council’s Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Policy.
(2) That commencement of a study be approved into the individual and cumulative impact of gambling across the Borough to develop a Local Area Risk Profile, to support the Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Policy.
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