Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That the new Cultural Strategy 2019 – 2026 be considered and endorsed.
Further to Minute No. 149 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 20th May, 2019 when the report was deferred for an Equalities Impact Assessment, consideration was given to the detail of Rotherham’s new Cultural Strategy which had been produced in collaboration with members of the public and partners from across the cultural, leisure, green spaces and tourism sectors. This was the first Strategy produced by the local Cultural Partnership Board since it was established in 2018.
The Equalities Impact Assessment was considered by Overview and Scrutiny Management Board at its meeting last week and as a result of that meeting further advice was also taken on the correct terminology around gender and protected characteristics in line with the Equality Act 2010 and any further areas that need correcting would also be amended.
The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board also requested circulation of a structure chart, which would be forwarded onto the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for information. This was made available to the Cabinet today.
The principles that underpinned this Cultural Strategy were around the wishes of others and the work with young people and children around imagination and reimagining Rotherham. Many wanted to see their town have an unwavering vision that took risks rather than having a reputation. There needed to be better use of the town's greatest strength - diversity.
There were also seven ‘game-changers’ which were the main activities by which the strategy would be delivered and in particular game-changer Number 7 was for Rotherham to become the capital of children's culture giving young people a platform and an opportunity for them to shape and become creative in their home town.
The Council was the only organisation that was able to apply for a trademark to become the children's capital for culture and was one of the activities from the Cultural Strategy where people were really passionate about partnerships and funding.
This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations, subject to the Equality Analysis being amended to reflect the correct protected characteristics prior to consideration by Cabinet, that a structure chart be developed to outline governance arrangements and lines of accountability and this be circulated to members of Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (circulated today) and that an update be provided in June 2020 to Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on the implementation of the Strategy.
Cabinet Members were in support of the Strategy and acknowledged the importance of cultural activities and believed culture had a role in developing self-esteem, confidence and changing the reputation of the town. Culture brought finance into the borough and supported the economic strategy. In addition, culture actively improved health characteristics and inequalities.
Lessons had been learnt from recent events in Rotherham and the Council were listening to and celebrating with children and young people and putting them at the heart of the things that were done. It was important that over the next five years the ambition and drive to work with Rotherham’s young people would achieve the objectives set out in this Strategy.
Resolved:- That the new Cultural Strategy 2019 – 2026 be endorsed.
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