Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That the findings of the Local Plan Core Strategy Five Year Review be noted.
2. That approval be given to the commencement of a partial update of the Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted 10 September 2014).
3. That a further report be brought to Cabinet to consider a revised Local Development Scheme setting out the timescale for, and broad scope of, the partial update of the Core Strategy.
Consideration was given to the report which detailed how, in line with legislative requirements, a desk based five year review of the Local Plan Core Strategy had been undertaken to assess whether some or all of it may need updating.
The review indicated that, although the Core Strategy continued to be broadly up-to-date and complied with requirements set out in national planning policy, a number of areas required an update. Approval was, therefore, sought to commence a partial update of the Core Strategy to update policies relating to housing, flood risk and water management, climate change and carbon reduction, and the presumption in favour of sustainable development, and to update infrastructure requirements to support new growth.
This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.
Resolved:- (1) That the findings of the Local Plan Core Strategy Five Year Review be noted.
(2) That the commencement of a partial update of the Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted 10th September, 2014) be approved.
(3) That a further report be brought to Cabinet to consider a revised Local Development Scheme setting out the timescale for, and broad scope of, the partial update of the Core Strategy.
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