Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That the specific funding allocations for the Transportation Capital Investment Programme for the 2019/20 financial year be noted.
2. That the proposed programme as identified in Appendix 1 as the basis for further feasibility works, detailed design and implementation during the 2019/20 financial year be noted.
3. That progress with the A630 Parkway Widening project be noted and implementation is to be expected in 2020/21, subject to Department for Transport approval of the Full Business Case being submitted in Autumn 2019.
Consideration was given to the report which outlined the Transportation Capital Investment Programme for schemes to be delivered and developed in the financial year 2019/20. The report also provides an update on progress on the A630 Parkway Widening Project and the College Road Roundabout.
The appendix set out in detail the Department for Transport categories and project titles, some of which would be brought forward on a worst first basis.
It was also noted that, following the trend of many Central Government departments, the DfT was increasingly responding to national budgetary constraints by reducing the level of grant funding to Local Authorities. This was primarily through the Local Transport Capital Funding allocation, which had witnessed a significant decrease in recent years.
The timelines for the two main schemes; A630 Parkway Widening was for 2020 with a decision awaited in October and College Road Roundabout would be commencing shortly.
Resolved:- (1) That the specific funding allocations for the Transportation Capital Investment Programme for the 2019/20 financial year be noted.
(2) That the proposed programme as identified in Appendix 1 as the basis for further feasibility works, detailed design and implementation during the 2019/20 financial year be noted.
(3) That progress with the A630 Parkway Widening project be noted and implementation is to be expected in 2020/21, subject to Department for Transport approval of the Full Business Case being submitted in Autumn 2019.
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