Agenda item

Recommended Adoption of Policies - Support for Elected Members

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive




1.      That the Council be recommended to amend the Members’ Allowances Scheme (Appendix 8 of the Constitution), subject to the receipt of the recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel


2.      That the policies to support Elected Members in respect of parental leave, disabilities, arrangements for carers and dignity in dying be approved and be adopted subject to the Council determining to amend the Members’ Allowances Scheme.


Consideration was given to the report which detailed the outcome following the establishment of a working group of Members to review carers, maternity and paternity arrangements for Councillors, with the aim encouraging the next generation of women to play their part in politics in Rotherham.


The report presented the recommendations of the working group, specifically in the form of a policy document, and sought a recommendation to Council to amend the Members’ Allowances Scheme to take account of the adoption of the policy.


The Working Group reviewed examples of parental leave policies which set out Members’ entitlement to maternity, paternity, shared parental and adoption leave and relevant leave. The logic underpinning the policy was that improved provision for new parents would contribute towards increasing the diversity of experience, age and background of local authority Councillors. It was also written with a view to retaining experienced Councillors, especially women, and making public office more accessible to individuals who might otherwise feel excluded from it.


The Group also felt that the provisions for supporting disabled Councillors should be clarified from a policy perspective, so as to move away from the case by case approach adopted presently. It was considered that a clear statement of support would encourage more disabled candidates to stand for election.


The Independent Remuneration Panel was, therefore, required to be consulted upon any proposed changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme and any recommendations then considered by Council.


The Working Group recommended that the Independent Remuneration Panel be asked to consider:-


·                Separating the allowance paid for adult care and child care, given the relative high cost of child care in crèches and nurseries.

·                Setting these allowances at an appropriate rate paid to providers to reflect the cost of provision.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Council be recommended to amend the Members’ Allowances Scheme (Appendix 8 of the Constitution), subject to the receipt of the recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel


(2)  That the policies to support Elected Members in respect of parental leave, disabilities, arrangements for carers and dignity in dying be approved and be adopted, subject to the Council determining to amend the Members’ Allowances Scheme.

Supporting documents: