Agenda item

Strategic Management and Maintenance of Rotherham's Highways

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.      That the strategic approach to the Management and Maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways be endorsed.


2.      That the impact of the additional Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council capital investment to improve the local (unclassified) road network be noted.


Consideration was given to the report which detailed how the Council had a statutory duty to maintain its highways through Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980 and described how Rotherham’s highways were strategically managed and maintained in accordance with the Highway Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP).


The report reviewed the current strategy for the Management and Maintenance of Rotherham’s Highway and the impact the increased investment ‘Roads 2020’ had had on the highway network and described further the current performance both in terms of the condition of Rotherham’s highways, and in terms of the delivery of highways maintenance services.


The Council pledged to invest in roads locally and had prioritised residential roads, the streets that people lived on, as part of this programme. This prioritisation of resurfacing roads rather than fixing potholes was a long term investment to improve the condition across the borough.


Of particular note was the work undertaken by in-house Council staff and whilst it was acknowledged there was some disruption during the works, numerous compliments about the work were received.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the strategic approach to the Management and Maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways be endorsed.


(2)  That the impact of the additional Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council capital investment to improve the local (unclassified) road network be noted.


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