Agenda item

Local Plan: consultation on draft Supplementary Planning Documents

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.      That approval be given to public consultation on the draft Supplementary Planning Documents at Appendices 2 to 7.


2.      That following consultation a further report be submitted regarding adoption of the Supplementary Planning Documents.



Consideration was given to the report which sought approval to undertake public consultation on the following draft Supplementary Planning Documents:-


·            Householder Design Guide.

·            Development in the Green Belt.

·            Equal and Healthy Communities.

·            Town Centre Uses and Developments.

·            Air Quality and Emissions.

·            Shop Front Design Guide.


Rotherham’s Local Plan provides the framework for determining planning applications. Supplementary Planning Documents provided additional detail and guidance to support policies in the Local Plan. Once adopted, they were a material consideration which could be taken into account when determining planning applications. Supplementary Planning Documents helped improve planning applications, which in turn could speed up the planning process and produce better outcomes for the community.


Cabinet Members welcomed the importance of taking on board national and local principles and standards which did change over time, especially so with preventative work on obesity and the proposals to restrict the number of fast-food takeways near schools.


Resolved:-  (1)  That public consultation on the draft Supplementary Planning Documents at Appendices 2 to 7 be approved.


(2)  That following consultation a further report be brought to Cabinet regarding adoption of the Supplementary Planning Documents.

Supporting documents: