Agenda item

Amendment to the General Enforcement Policy

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.      That the outcome of the consultation be noted and the revised General Enforcement Policy be adopted.


Consideration was given to the report which detailed the outcome of the public consultation carried out to seek views on an amendment to the Council’s General Enforcement Policy to include surveillance of social media in particular in relation to fly-tippers and rogue traders, as an investigatory tool.


A significant majority of respondents agreed that the Council should use such tools to tackle fly-tippers and rogue traders who utilised social media to commit offences.  This would only involve officers within the policy the ability to check social media to actively monitor the activities of a particular trade.  Anything of a more covert position would require a more detailed legal process.


The Council’s General Enforcement Policy had, therefore, been amended to reflect this outcome.


Resolved:-  That the outcome of the consultation be noted and the revised General Enforcement Policy be adopted.

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