Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That approval be given to the disposal of the Council’s freehold interest in the following properties:-
a) Former Kiveton Youth and Community Centre
b) Former Keepers Cottage Ulley Reservoir
c) Former Copeland Lodge and adjacent land
2. That approval be given to the Assistant Director, Planning Regeneration and Transport to dispose of the assets by implementing the most appropriate method of disposal to help expedite the process, whilst ensuring that best consideration is achieved under Section 123 – Local Government Act 1972.
3. The Assistant Director of Planning Regeneration and Transport negotiate the terms of disposals.
4. The Assistant Director of Legal Services negotiate and complete the necessary legal documentation.
Consideration was given to a report which sought approval to
dispose of the Council’s freehold interest in the following
surplus properties:-
a) Former Kiveton Youth and Community Centre.
b) Former Keepers Cottage Ulley Reservoir.
c) The site of the former Copeland Lodge and adjacent land.
All the properties have all been declared surplus to requirements by service users and following internal consultation no alternative uses have been identified. The properties were also vacant which posed a risk to the Council not only in terms of securing or maintaining properties, but with the continuing holding costs.
Resolved:- (1) That the disposal of the Council’s freehold interest in the following properties be approved:-
a) Former Kiveton Youth and Community Centre.
b) Former Keepers Cottage Ulley Reservoir.
c) Former Copeland Lodge and adjacent land.
(2) That the Assistant Director, Planning Regeneration and Transport be approved to dispose of the assets by implementing the most appropriate method of disposal to help expedite the process, whilst ensuring that best consideration is achieved under Section 123 – Local Government Act 1972.
(3) That the Assistant Director of Planning Regeneration and Transport negotiate the terms of disposals.
(4) That the Assistant Director of Legal Services negotiate and complete the necessary legal documentation.
Supporting documents: