Agenda item

Work in Progress - Select Commissions


To receive updates from the Chairs of the Select Commission on work undertaken and planned for the future.



The Chairs of the Select Commissions provided the following updates on recent and planned activities:-


Health Select Commission


Councillor Keenan reported that at the meeting held on 13 June there had been consideration of the refresh of the Sexual Health Strategy for Rotherham and the Commission was awaiting the final equality analysis and feedback on suggestions for a broader and smarter set of performance measures. Members had also considered the Cabinet’s response to the recommendations from workshop on Adult Residential and Nursing Care Homes, which had been entirely accepted by the executive. Consideration was also given to the Annual Report of the Director of Public Health and Members had emphasised the importance of addressing health inequalities.


In July, the Commission had received a monitoring report on Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services and Members had made plans for a follow up visit to a treatment facility. Consideration was also given to a report in respect of the development of six primary care networks across the borough involving all GP practice in closer collaboration. Finally a report was submitted on the development of Rotherham Community Health Centre and Members reviewed proposals to move ophthalmology outpatient services from the hospital site to the Rotherham Community Health Centre.


Members received a further report on the ophthalmology proposals following public consultation at the meeting held on 5 September 2019. They also noted the progress made on maternity services transformation and how the requirements of national guidance ‘Better Births’ had been met with a focus on safe and personalised care. The Commission received an initial presented on the review of the respiratory pathway which detailed current issues, rationale for change and engagement plans. The outline business case for proposals for the new model of intermediate care and reablement based on a “home first” principle and recovery ethos were also reported to the Commission.


Looking to the future, Councillor Keenan reported that the October meeting of the Health Select Commission would include an update on the Rotherham Foundation Trust’s progress against the CQC Action Plan, as well as a report on the Social, Emotional and Mental Health Strategy. Furthermore, she reported that a workshop on suicide prevention and self harm action plan was planned, which was important in light of newly released national figures on suicide.


Improving Lives Select Commission


Councillor Cusworth reported that her commission had met twice since the last update report to Overview and Scrutiny Management Board. On 11 June, Members had welcomed John Edwards, the Regional Schools Commissioner, which had proved to be a very open and informative session. Members had also agreed that a report would be brought to the September meeting in respect of elective home education. An update was provided on the Rotherham Strategic Education Partnership and Members were keen to understand what progress had been made since it was established in 2018. Members were pleased that there had been significant improvements arising from the work of the partnership.


On 19 July 2019, the Commission had received a presentation in respect of the Rotherham Multi-Agency Arrangements for Safeguarding Children, during which Members were informed of the new Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for Rotherham, which would replace the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board. Members welcomed the decision to replace the board with a partnership body and resolved to receive an update on the progress made with the new arrangements after six months of operation.


Improving Places Select Commission


Councillor Mallinder reported that the Commission had held a meeting in June 2019 solely to discuss the contract with Dignity in respect of bereavement services, which included an update on progress against recommendations made by the Commission in February 2019, alongside the annual performance report against the contract. She was pleased that significant progress had been made in the past year, with regular monitoring and dialogue between the Council and Dignity, as well as improved links with the wider community. A further report would be submitted to the Commission in December 2019 detailing the outcomes of the extended hours pilot.


In July 2019, the Commission had received three reports for scrutiny which had provided updates on:- 


·         Thriving Neighbourhoods - delivery of the Thriving Neighbourhoods Strategy and the Neighbourhood Working model.

  • Time for Action Enforcement Contract around enviro-crime, particularly littering offences and parking offences – performance, challenges and the importance of enhanced enforcement and visibility.  Progress was being made on the recommendations previously made by Scrutiny.
  • Home to School Transport - annual transport reviews, to be undertaken at the same time as Education and Health Care Plan reviews to assess the suitability of existing transport and young people’s ability to partake in Independent Travel Training, was now in place.  the service was on track for numbers of young people with personal travel budgets


Looking ahead, the next meeting in September would focus on the Employment and Skills Strategy and the Commission would seek to follow up on the recommendations made by OSMB at pre-decision scrutiny on the strategy.


The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Board reported that he had been invited to attend a meeting of the East Midlands Scrutiny Network, along with the Leader of the Council, to report on the practices and procedures followed by scrutiny in Rotherham. Whilst it was expected that the Deputy Leader, Councillor Watson, would accompany him to the meeting, the Chair reflected on the positive nature of the invitation to attend and welcomed the interest being shown in the progress made in scrutiny at Rotherham MBC.