Agenda item

Improving Air Quality in Rotherham

Tom Smith, Assistant Director, Community Safety & Street Scene


Tom Smith, Assistant Director Community Safety and Street Scene, assisted by Matt Reynolds, Manager Planning, Regeneration and Transport, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-



-          7M deaths globally were caused by air pollution

-          Estimated up to 36,000 deaths a year in the United Kingdom

-          Contributes to over 100 deaths per year in Rotherham

-          Worsens chronic illnesses, shortens life expectancy and damages lung development in children

-          Causes asthma, increases the chances of hospital admissions and respiratory and cardiovascular disease

-          Poor communities were most exposed to and suffered the consequences of polluted air

-          United Kingdom had been in breach of legal limits since 2010


Rotherham Air Quality Plan 2016-20

-          Mitigation of air quality impacts through the planning process (Development Control)

-          Promoting low emission transport in particular cleaner buses, taxi licensing, the installation of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure

-          Promoting travel alternatives to the private car, raising public awareness especially of the impact of diesel vehicles on air quality in our towns and cities

-          Improving the efficiency of the Rotherham MBC Vehicle Fleet


Work to Date – Sustainable Transport

-          Care4Air Campaign

-          Promote uptake of electric vehicles – 25 charging points

-          Promote alternative transport

·           Cycleboost

·           Sustainable and Active Travel support for schools

·           Independent Travel Training

·           “Walk Rotherham” project

·           Busboost

·           EcoStars


Work to Date – Infrastructure

-          National Productivity Investment Fund

-          Tram Train Pilot

-          Rotherham Interchange

-          A630 Parkway widening


Improving Air Quality in Rotherham

-          Rotherham and Sheffield required to work together to:

·           Analyse local air quality

·           Achieve statutory compliance with Air Quality Legislation

·           Proposed scheme(s) were deliverable in the shortest possible time and by no later than 2021

-          Submit final business case to Government by December 2019


What is causing the problem?

-          Road traffic

-          Particular types of vehicles

·           Diesel vehicles and older petrol vehicles were the most polluting

·           Older non-retrofitted buses

·           Private hire taxis

·           HGVs and LGVs

-          Focused in particular locations across the Borough – Wortley Road, Rawmarsh Hill, Fitzwilliam Road and the Parkway


Sheffield Parkway in Rotherham (A630)

-          Sheffield propose to introduce a Category C (CAZ C) charging zone area bounded by the inner ring-road

-          Would bring both the Sheffield and Rotherham sections of Sheffield Parkway into compliance by 2021

-          Assumes that the proposed 50 mph speed limit, associated with the widening of the Parkway in Rotherham was introduced


Rawmarsh Hill (A633) Rawmarsh

-          Upgrade or replace all buses operating on Rawmarsh Hill were to the Euro VI standard as a minimum

-          A Euro VI bus delivers an almost 95% reduction in emissions against earlier Euro standards

-          Divert around 25-30% of the scheduled buses from Rawmarsh Hill onto Barbers Avenue

-          Improve the junctions at Dale Road and undertake minor works to Barbers Avenue itself, to support this measure


Fitzwilliam Road (A630) Eastwood

-          Minor engineering and traffic flow works


Wortley Road and Upper Wortley Road (A629), Kimberworth and Thorpe Hesley

-          Heavy Goods Vehicles ban – northbound towards M1


Other Measures

-          Financial support to upgrade

·           Taxis and private hire vehicles

·           Buses

·           Heavy Goods Vehicles and Light Goods Vehicles

-          Campaigns and behavioural change





Rotherham Sites










Projected with



A630 Parkway








A633 Rawmarsh Hill








A629 Wortley Road








A630 Fitzwilliam Road









Next Steps

-          Public consultation on proposals – Summer 2019

-          Submit final business case to Government – December 2019

-          Implement proposals – from June/July 2020


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          Running alongside the Clean Air Zone was the Transforming Cities funding package.  The 2 business cases would complement each other

-          One of the current NO2 readers was obscured by a tree – to be replaced by appropriate vegetation

-          The Clean Air Zone consultation process had now closed and had had a limited response – approximately 700 responses in Rotherham.  Rotherham businesses/taxi drivers had been encouraged to take part in Sheffield’s consultation with regard to the effect the introduction of the Category C (CAZ C) charging zone area

-          As well as work at the 4 locations there would be more campaign and behavioural change work

-          The Project Board was working with Central Government in an attempt to introduce a national awareness campaign

-          Car clubs/car sharing would be looked at as part of the behaviour change work

-          CCG and Place Plan should reflect air quality

-          Regular updates should be submitted to the Board

-          A number of electric vehicle charging points were now available on Council-owned land financed via the Early Measures Fund – possible installation on partners’ sites e.g. hospital?

-          Children Services may have a role to play in encouraging parents not to drive their children to school


Resolved:-  That the presentation be noted.

Supporting documents: