Steve Langrick to report.
Consideration was given to the report presented by Susan Gray, Service Leader (Digital Services), which detailed how the Schools’ Connect Service offered ICT support services, through individual Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for schools to buy back.
The number of schools taking up support services had dropped steadily over the last few years and sharply over the last year as a result of the formation of larger Academy Trusts providing their own ICT Services, and/or the take up of third-party provision at reduced cost.
It was apparent that with a further thirty-eight schools no longer buying back Schools Connect services, expenditure would exceed income in the 2020/21 financial year and beyond.
Given this situation it had become difficult to retain staff and consequently difficult to deliver a quality and valued service. As a result, the Council were intending to close the Schools Connect service at the end of the current financial year.
The schools currently buying back services would need to find an alternative web provider(s) for the services they wished to continue to need. There were several alternative providers who may provide some or all the needs.
Whilst the services would be withdrawn the Council was prepared to consider providing internet and content filtering services, which would be subject to more specific discussion.
Schools Connect had historically and to date provided support to schools in maintaining data quality standards and key statutory performance returns to the Local Education Authority via the B2B SIMS Service. Whilst RMBC would continue to provide the B2B SIMS Service for schools, the Council would not be able to apply any changes to a specific schools’ configuration. That would need to be undertaken by the school themselves or through their provider.
As a result of the intended closure of the service, schools would need to enter into their own arrangements with Capita UK for the continued provision of the SIMS system.
It was, therefore, intended to write to all current schools to give notice of the Council’s intention to terminate the service on 31st March, 2020 and in conjunction with schools, arrange to terminate or novate third-party related supply contracts to ensure expiry or novation with effect from 1st April, 2020 – within the necessary contract termination period.
Schools would have to migrate to their own Microsoft Office 365 Tenancy and have to provide their own email and Microsoft Office 365 Applications. The Council could assist with this transition.
Discussion ensued on the short timeframe for withdrawal of the service and the impact this would have on those schools currently subscribing to the School’s Connect Service.
Whilst the service could not broker any other support for the schools, they were happy to building in an overlap facility and support schools in their transitions.
It was, therefore, suggested that relevant communications be distributed to all schools to make them aware and prepare them for the Schools’ Connect Service being withdrawn.
Agreed:- (1) That the content of this report and the intention of RMBC to close the Schools Connect service on 31st March, 2020 for the reasons outlined be noted.
(2) That the actions that will be taken by RMBC and those required of schools, between now and the closure of the Schools Connect service, as highlighted in this report be noted.
(3) That the commitment to continue to provide network/internet and content filtering services, so long as this remains viable following discussion and confirmation from those schools that wished to keep this provision from RMBC be acknowledged.
(4) That relevant communications be distributed to all schools to make them aware and prepare them for the Schools’ Connect Service being withdrawn.
Action:- All/Jenny Lingrell
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