Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health
1. That the following update be noted:-
· the co-production work and re-design of a new service specification was successfully completed to enable a tender process to take place
· a competitive tendering exercise ran from 7th June to 18th November 2019
· A framework agreement will be established on 1st April 2020 consisting of the following::
o 9 Tier 1 providers
o Tier 2 providers
o 2 specialist Learning Disability providers
o 1 specialist Unpaid-Carers Support service
· the mobilisation period will enable the new delivery model to commence from the 1st April 2020
· the overall contract value is anticipated to be circa £14.4m per annum for the Council and £1.7m for the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Consideration was given to a report which provided an update report which provided:-
· a brief summary of the new delivery model for Home Care and Support outlining the principles and approaches
· an overview of the new Home Care and Support service specification
· information on the tendering process and award of contract
· a brief outline of the profile of the successful service providers
· an overview of the implementation of the new delivery model, and
· an overview of the future approach to contract performance reporting and monitoring
It was noted that the purpose of a home care and support service was to enable people to remain living at home for as long as possible. The availability of quality home care services was key to supporting people’s independence at home in the communities they know. The new model would provide for personalised service delivery against agreed outcomes where providers arrange services to be delivered at dates and times preferred by the individual and their families and continue to meet their obligation where critical call times were required. Providers would be actively encouraged to apply reablement principles to maximise people’s independence. Providers would also play a much more pivotal role in the organisation of care arrangements and will be involved in the review activity. In this model provider reviews can result in adjustments to care packages to benefit the individual and increase opportunity for cost efficiency for the Council in situations where needs have positively changed.
It was reported that the new delivery model for home care and support presented an opportunity to embed the adult care vision that the Council ‘Will act together to support the residents of Rotherham to live full active lives; to live independently and to play an active part in their local communities’. Effective home care and support would enable people to remain at home longer, live independently and enable them to access community assets to maintain health and wellbeing. The new model complied with the personalisation and prevention (reduce, prevent, delay) agenda detailed within the Care Act 2014, in addition to reducing demand for formal care services and therefore costs. The model applies across the health and care system and services have also been procured on behalf of the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to create a seamless pathway of home care and support for people in Rotherham.
It was further reported that this new model of home care and support would be delivered by a number of providers who were successful at the conclusion of a competitive tender process. The successful providers were identified in October 2019 and a lengthy and comprehensive mobilisation period had commenced to facilitate the new delivery model being in place from 1 April 2020.
1. That the following update be noted:-
· the co-production work and re-design of a new service specification was successfully completed to enable a tender process to take place
· a competitive tendering exercise ran from 7th June to 18th November 2019
· A framework agreement will be established on 1st April 2020 consisting of the following::
o 9 Tier 1 providers
o Tier 2 providers
o 2 specialist Learning Disability providers
o 1 specialist Unpaid-Carers Support service
· the mobilisation period will enable the new delivery model to commence from the 1st April 2020
· the overall contract value is anticipated to be circa £14.4m per annum for the Council and £1.7m for the Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Supporting documents: