To consider the recommendations arising from a workshop on Area Housing Panels
Councillor Mallinder, Chair of the Improving Places Select Commission, provided a brief update in respect of the work that the Commission had done in a recent workshop on the report to be presented to Cabinet on 23 December 2019 in respect of the review of Area Housing Panels.
It was noted that the following points had been discussed:-
· Role of Elected Members – providing a community leadership role and ensuring tenants’ voice is reflected.
· Consultation responses and how these were reflected in the emerging proposals.
· The range of options for receiving bids for funding including on line applications as well as more ‘traditional’ methods. Ward Housing Hubs would be flexible to ward needs – there would be different models of engagement, including online platforms, ward walkabouts, meetings etc. Area panels would cease to operate, to be replaced by Ward Housing Hubs.
· Opportunities for cross ward working - however, focus should be on ward priorities – closely aligned to neighbourhood working.
· The annual review of housing stock – funding would be adjusted annually reflecting stock numbers in the Ward
· Steps to encourage people’s involvement – particularly in areas where there has been low engagement and there has been a struggle to identify projects or spend money. It was noted that there was a need to engage with a greater number of tenants who had not been previously engaged in Area Housing Panels.
· RotherFed would remain principal first point of contact for tenant involvement.
· Approval for projects would be made through support from ward councillors and tenants through the Ward Housing Hubs, supported by Council officers
· Reiteration that projects would align with ward priorities and would need to meet HRA funding criteria.
· Clarity was sought about budgets and areas of spend. This would be project specific, but generally speaking funding for smaller scale projects could be accommodated within the Ward Housing budget, but larger scale projects would have to be funded through the Housing Capital Programme.
· Customer access still to be further developed through digital channels, however with recognition that there may need to be other channels available for people who may have difficulty with digital access. Most younger tenants have access to the internet through mobile phone contracts. Free access to wifi was available in local libraries and was also being rolled out in some of the Housing neighbourhood centres.
· Need to publicise the benefits of ward based working and successes. There was also a need to move swiftly on projects, with regular updates provided to ward members and groups on progress.
· Awareness raising would take place with officers to update them of new arrangements.
· Process for conflict resolution was discussed, particularly in two member wards. Any issues arising would be considered by the Cabinet Member for Housing, as portfolio holder and Head of Housing Operational Services, as senior officer for tenant involvement and associated budget.
· Closer working with Parish/Town Councils was welcomed; however, clarification was sought about how this would be facilitated.
Overall, Members had indicated their broad support for the proposals that had been prepared for consideration by the Cabinet.
1. That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.
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